Dylan Strome #19

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Your POV

Driving through Mississauga was all a blur to me. The trees passing in a a blur at the speed the car was going. I looked to my left to find Dylan, my boyfriend of five months with a smile plastered across his face. 

"Dyl are we almost there?" I asked with a hint of nervousness in my tone.

"We are almost there (Y/N). Are you excited?"

"I guess you could say that."

We pulled up to the Strome residence a few minutes later as Dylan hopped out of the car with a sense of excitement coursing throughout his body. He came around to my side of the car and opened the door for me offering his hand out to me. I just sat there staring straight ahead anxiously bouncing my leg up and down.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?"

"I-I don;t know if iI can go in there Dyl."

"Listen (Y/N) you have nothing to worry about. They will love you."

I nodded my head accepting Dylan's head as we started heading towards his childhood home. When Dylan opened the door I was greeted by pictures of Dylan and his brother, Ryan lined up along the walls of the two story house. 

"Mom, I'm home!"

After Dylan called his introduction across the house a middle aged woman emerged from the kitchen with an apron wrapped around her waist a whisk in her right hand. She came over to Dylan who dropped my hand and embraced him into a hug.

"Oh Dylan! I'm so glad you are home! We have missed you so much honey! Oh and who might this be?"

"Mom, this is (Y/N). (Y/N) this is mom."

"Well hello there (Y/N). It's so nice to meet you!"

"It is so nice to meet you too Mrs. Strome. I have heard so much about you!"

"Oh nonsense! Call me Trish! Your brothers and dad are in the living room."

She then retreated beck into the kitchen to finish cooking up dinner. Dylan took my hand in his again and led me into the living room where his brothers and dad were watching a playoff preview for the upcoming Stanley Cup Playoffs 2016. Ryan, Dylan's older brother was the first one to speak up.

"Hey lil bro. Who's this?"

"Ryan, Matthew, Dad, this is (Y/N), my girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you (Y/N), I'm Ryan, the oldest and handsomest of the three Strome brothers." 

I laughed as Matthew and Dylan's dad, Chris introduced themselves to me.  After we had been introduced we settled onto the couch to watch the playoff preview.

"So Ryan are you excited about the playoffs? Playing the capitals."

"I am excited, but what about your boy Dylan? He brought Arizona back to life and led them to the playoffs this year."

"I'm so proud of him. He really deserves this."

With the conversation coming to a halt we heard Trish call from the kitchen that dinner was ready. We walked into the dining room to find an assortment of different foods laid out on the table.  We sat down and began to eat as conversations started to flare.

Ryan spoke of his girlfriend who was with her brother John Tavares and their family for the break before the playoffs started. Matthew spoke of his season with the Hamilton Bulldogs, his OHL team. It was hard not to laugh as Trish and Chris told stories of the boys when they were younger including hockey stories and stories in general.

When we were all finished with dinner we all retreated into the living room where Dylan and I shared the chair in the corner of the room. Trish was the first one to break the awkward silence that had silently submerged the entire room.

"(Y/N) we have something we want to discuss with you."

I nodded as my leg began to shake with anticipation.

"(Y/N) we want to make sure you are with Dylan for the right intentions. We are afraid of his status being the reason people become attached to him. We don't even know you to be quite frank dear. You seem like a good girl but-"

"Mom! What the hell? (Y/N) is nothing like other girls! Why did you not question Ryan's past girlfriends? Should we call his current one right now? Stay out of this! Let's go (Y/N)."

With that Dylan grabbed my hand and dragged me out the front door to the car. When we got into the car we drove in silence before we pulled up to a park. When we got to the park Dylan put the car in park before going still looking straight outside of the window. I couldn't look at him.

"Do you really think I'm using you Dylan?"

Dylan looked over at me with an unreadable expression on his face. He took my hand in his before he spoke.

"(Y/N), look at me. I would never think that. I don't care what anybody says, not even my mother. I-I love you (Y/N) and I've never felt this way about somebody before."

Tears began to race down my cheeks as Dylan took my face into his hands.

"I love you too Dylan, so much."

Dylan brought my lips up to his as his lips enveloped mine in a passionate kiss that declared our love for each other more than words ever could.

Should I make this a a fanfiction? Give me your opinion.

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