C h a p t e r F o u r

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Scared /-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


"Where are we going?" Jisung asked, Changbin and him had been walking for nearly thirty minutes and Jisung was getting tired. "To the floating islands." Changbin announced, Jisung nodded then started walking slower, "how long until we get there?" Jisung asked with a whiny tone, "soon , stop whining." Changbin replied, "I'm not whining!" Jisung yelled, "stop yelling." Changbin smirked and Jisung crossed his arms, "whatever." He mumbled and carried on walking next to Changbin.

"We are here." Changbin said looking up, Jisung also looked up, "wow." He whispered, Changbin chuckled, "let's go." Changbin said and suddenly big red wings grew on his back, Jisung jumped slightly and stared at them. "Staring is rude." Changbin teased and Jisung rolled his eyes, "shut up." He grumbled then grew his wings, they where ginormous and white. "Well then, let's go." Changbin flapped his wings and stared to zoom up to the floating island, Jisung huffed and followed. When Jisung landed his wings went away and he looked at Changbin who was watching him. "What?" Jisung asked, "your slow." Changbin teased, "it wasn't a race." Jisung mumbled and walked into Changbin hitting his arm then walking away, "hey!" Changbin yelled and followed Jisung,

"It's so nice up here." Jisung said smiling at the view, "yeah, I come here a lot, I like to see Ivor." Changbin replied. "So, what magic you got?" Jisung asked looking over to the elder man, "oh so, you're interested in me?" Changbin teased, Jisung glared at him, "okay okay! I'm very strong, I can lift anything and everything." Changbin explained, "you can lift anything and everything?" Jisung asked with a brow raised, "why are you questioning me, do you think I'm lying?" Changbin moved closer to Jisung with a frown, "no no." Jisung mumbled pushing Changbin away, Changbin chuckled, "what magic you got?" He asked, "I am a fire angel, I can use fire for or against people. If anyone touches me when I'm angry they could get badly hurt." Jisung explained, Changbin nodded, "are you angry right now?" He asked, "no." Jisung replied, "why?" Jisung asked looking towards Changbin, "I thought I made you angry." Changbin said also looking towards Jisung, the younger boy shook his head, "no, you make me annoyed." Jisung smiled at the elder, Changbin hummed, "that's not nice to say to your hyung." Changbin replied, Jisung rolled his eyes, "whatever." Jisung said, not bothering to argue with the elder man.

Jisung was sitting on the floor looking down at the enchanted forest, Changbin was sitting on a bench on his phone. Jisung saw something, it was like a dragon but it didn't have scales, instead it was fluffy. "Changbin." Jisung said, "you mean hyung." Changbin corrected, "hyung." Jisung rolled his eyes, "yes?" Changbin asked, "what is that? It's trying to get into that village." Jisung has a frown on his face, Changbin walked towards Jisung and looked at what he was pointing at, his eyes widened and he looked over to Jisung who was looking at him confused. "We need to go." Changbin said and grabbed Jisung's hand, "hyung, what are you doing?" Jisung yelled, "we need to go." Changbin replied, they flew down and ran out of the forest, then teleported into the castle. "Stay here, I need to talk to Chan." Changbin ordered, Jisung nodded.

Once Changbin came back he acted like nothing had happened, he showed Jisung around the castle. "I'll see you tomorrow Jisung." Changbin winked and Jisung rolled his eyes, "yeah yeah, bye!" Jisung said stepping into his room.

He saw Felix laying down, "hey Lixie." Jisung said, "hi, you okay!" Felix asked, "yeah, well, me and Changbin saw something. It was like a dragon but it was fluffy, I showed Changbin and he said we have to go. He went to speak to Chan-hyung and when he came back he acted like none of it had happened." Jisung explained to Felix while sitting on the bed, "I know there is something going on. Me and Hyunjin went to a village, no one was there and Hyunjin said that it had been attacked. We had to find a pearl, once I had found it I found him looking over to the trees worriedly, we then came back here." Felix agreed, "but apparently Chan-hyung will tell us soon." Felix then said and Jisung nodded, "good, I wanna fell safe if we are going to live here." Jisung noted, Felix nodded in agreement.

/-/-/-/-/-/ 758 words
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Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/           758 wordsThank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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