C h a p t e r S e v e n

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Softcore/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


Minho walked most the way home, until he got out of the enchanted forest then he teleported back to the castle. He had Seungmin in his arms the whole time. The puppy like boy had dried tears that were dried on his cheeks, he looked exhausted. He had red marks and small cuts on his body from trying to fight off the demon that hurt him. Minho took him into his (Minho's) room and laid him on the bed. Minho new the younger boy couldn't stay like this, he had to wake him up.

Minho lightly shook Seungmin and mumbled his name a few times. Seungmin opened his eyes slowly as he turned his head to face Minho. He quickly sat up and stared to sob, tears fell from his eyes like a fountain. Minho's eyes widened and he pulled Seungmin into his embrace, softy squeezing the younger boy. "It's okay, I'm here now, your okay." Minho whispered into Seungmin's ear with a soft tone, Seungmin nodded and slowly stopped sobbing but a few tears still fell from his eyes. "I-I'm sorry." Seungmin croaked, his voice hurt from screaming and crying for too long. Minho pulled away from Seungmin and looked at him with frowned eyebrows, "why are you sorry puppy?" Minho asked sweetly, "I d-didn't listen to C-Chan-hyung." Seungmin muttered out, Minho nodded, "I know, but it doesn't matter. Right now all I need to do is take care of you." Minho said with a small smile, he wiped Seungmin's tears with his thumbs, Seungmin had a pout on his face. He was upset with himself, he new it was a bad idea.

"Can you walk?" Minho asked as he stood from the bed. Seungmin slowly sat up, he put both legs on the floor and pushed himself up. Seungmin didn't stay standing for long because after a few seconds he fell back into the bed. Minho caught Seungmin and sat the younger boy onto his lap. Minho stood up while carrying the younger boy, he walked over to the bathroom and opened the door. He sat Seungmin on the toilet and went over to the bath turning it on. He made sure the bath wasn't too hot or cold and after a couple minutes it was done. Minho walked back over to Seungmin and lifted him again. Seungmin held onto Minho, making sure that he wouldn't fall back.

Minho took the bloody shirt off of Seungmin and threw it on the floor. He carefully placed Seungmin in the bath. The two were both very red, Seungmin was completely naked and when Minho took his even bloodier shirt off, Seungmin looked away and started to fiddle with his hands that were placed in the warm water. Minho grabbed his shampoo and squeezed it onto his hand, he then started to carefully rub it onto Seungmin's hair. Once he had finished washing the younger boys hair he got the body wash. "I'll come back once you've washed yourself, I'll leave the door open. I'm going to get you some clothes." Minho explained, as he was walking away he felt a wet hand grab his wrist. He turned around and confusingly looked at Seumgmin, "what wrong puppy?" Minho asked with a frown, "d-don't leave me." He whispered, his voice sounded even worse. "I'm not going far. I'll get some of my clothes, yeah?" Minho comforted, Seungmin didn't say anything and just nodded. Once Minho felt the room he began to wash himself.

After around two minutes Minho came back, he had a plain white shirt and black shorts. He paced them down and walked over to Seungmin and sat on his knees. "Finished?" Minho asked, Seungmin nodded, "tired." The puppy boy mumbled, "I know puppy, let's get you out." Minho smiled and stood up. He grabbed a towel and stood Seungmin up, he wrapped the towel around the younger boy and lifted him out. Seungmin held onto the sink and dried himself as Minho grabbed his clothes. Minho then sat Seungmin onto the top of the toilet seat, he helped Seungmin dry himself and then helped putting the younger boys clothes on.

Minho carried Seungmin back into his room and laid him down, he grabbed his clothes and went back into the bathroom so he could have a shower and wash the blood of himself. Once he came out he saw Seungmin asleep, he got into the bed next to the puppy like boy and pulled him close wrapping his arm around the younger boys waist. The two slept hugging one another.

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Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/        words 781Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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