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So This Is Love/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Twenty Eight

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So This Is Love
Chapter Twenty Eight

Changsung & Chanin

"Hyung.." Jisung mumbled, it was around two in the morning and two weeks had past since the incident. Changbin was way better and the cast was now off his arm. Even though Changbin was better Jisung had insisted on staying in the elder boys room just in case. Changbin didn't really mind and liked when Jisung stayed in his room.

Changbin didn't answer Jisung because he was asleep, so Jisung tried again. "Hyung." He said a little louder while shaking the elder boy a little. Changbin slowly opened his eyes and saw Jisung looking at him with a pout. "What's wrong?" Changbin asked, he rubbed his eyes and groaned slightly due to randomly getting woken up. "I need to tell you something very serious." Jisung said, Changbin rolled his eyes, "what's so important that you have to wake me up so late?" Changbin asked.

"What would you do if I told you that I like you?" Jisung said, Changbin's eyes widened, "what?" He asked, he wasn't sure if he had heard the younger boy right. "What would you do if I told you I liked you?" Jisung asked, a little more loudly. Changbin's bows frowned, "what do you mean?" Changbin asked.

He was so confused, he had just got woken up randomly in the middle of the night, he was still tired and Jisung was telling him that he liked him.

Jisung whined, "oh my god." Jisung took a deep breath, "I. Like. You." He said pointing to himself then Changbin. "Like you like like me?" Changbin asked, Jisung nodded, "crazy right? I don't know why but you are just my type." Jisung said in are you confident way, Changbin was so confused, how was the younger boy so Confident about this?

"Can we talk about this in the morning?" Changbin asked, he wasn't sure if Jisung new what he was saying, it didn't sound like it. "No." Jisung said.

He started to move closer and closer until their lips touched, Jisung stared to sloppily move his lips but Changbin guided him. At first Changbin was obviously shocked but he really didn't mind at all, and has been wanting to do this for a long time. They backed away from each other, "I don't know if you know what you are doing but I like you too." Changbin admitted. They spent at least half an hour kissing and talking until they fell asleep wrapped up in each other's arms.


"Jeongin." Chan said, breaking the silence. They were sitting beside each other while watching Jeongin was reading and Chan was staring at a wall. Jeongin looked over to Chan and smiled, "yes hyung?" Jeongin asked.

"I don't know how to tell you this in any other way so I'm just going to say it. I like you, a lot. I have never felt like this for someone and it feels weird and scary. When I am around you I feel like I want to just hold you and not let you go. I know I have just put a lot on you and I'm sorry but I couldn't hold this back any longer then I already have."

Jeongin stared at the elder boy without saying a word, his eyes were widened and his mouth was slightly open. He was so confused, it was so sudden and he didn't expect Chan to like him back. He was also happy and excited, he was happy that Chan has never felt like this for anyone which means that he has probably never dated anyone before, so he could be the elder boys first. He was excited that he would finally tell Chan how he felt and no longer had to hide it.

"Wow." Was all Jeongin could say at first, "I-I like you too hyung, a lot..." Jeongin admitted, he saw that a smile had formed on Chan's face so he smiled too. "May I uh.. kiss you?" Chan asked, Jeongin shyly nodded.

Chan moved closer to the younger boy and placed his lips on Jeongin's soft ones, he started to slowly and carefully move them. Jeongin moved his along with Chan's and smiled through it, Chan could feel the smile and smiled too. They were happy that they were finally together and no longer had to hide it.

/-/-/-/-/-/ words 735
Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/          words 735Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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