C h a p t e r T w e n t y F o u r

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Promise/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four


Felix watched as Chan walked upstairs with Minho in his arms and Seumgmin following behind him. Felix felt so bad for the younger boy, he has been though so much and life kept doing even worse things to him.

Felix looked over to Hyunjin, he ran over to the elder man and wrapped the man's hand over his shoulder. Hyunjin wasn't too heavy for Felix, he said goodbye to the others and slowly walked Hyunjin up the stairs. They had finally got to the older males room and Felix laid Hyunjin on the bed. "Do you need anything? Water maybe?" Felix asked, he felt so scared for Hyunjin, the elder boy said nothing and shook his head. Felix looked at Hyunjin's clothes, they were ripped and you could see his cuts.

Felix took a deep breath and sat Hyunjin against the headboard, "can you lift your arms?" Hyunjin lazily lifted them up and Felix smiled he took Hyunjin's shirt off. He stared at the elder boys chest for a second before snapping out of it and shaking his head.

Felix walked into Hyunjin's bathroom and grabbed a flannel and wet it with cold water, he also grabbed a towel and then took them back into Hyunjin's room. He sat on the floor, on his knees next to Hyunjin's bed. He started to clean Hyunjin's cuts that were on his stomach and arms. He softly placed the cold flannel on the cuts, every time Hyunjin hissed at the pain Felix would stop and wait for Hyunjin to nod so that he could clean them again. Felix would tell him that it's okay and if he cleans them it will make them better. After a hour Felix had cleaned every cut on Hyunjin's body, he didn't rush and took his time, he didn't want to hurt Hyunjin at all.

Felix got changed into his pyjamas and went back to Hyunjin with a glass of water. "Drink this, you haven't drank anything at all." Felix said, truly worried for the elder boy. Felix brought the glass up to Hyunjin's mouth and took it away every now and then so Hyunjin could swallow it. Felix placed the glass on Hyunjin's nightstand, he then got into Hyunjin's bed on the other side and laid Hyunjin down. He pulled the cover over the elder boy and made sure he was comfortable. After he got Hyunjin comfortable he laid down.

Felix was sure Hyunjin was asleep now, it had been nearly half an hour and Felix had just started at the elder boy the whole time. "I'm sorry this happened to you, I promise when you are better we can go to that place you told me about. You looked excited to go, and I was too, I still am; but for now you need to get better." Felix smiled looking at the sleeping man, suddenly, Hyunjin turned towards him. Felix widened his eyes, 'did he hear me?' Felix asked himself, Hyunjin wrapped his arms around the younger boy's waist and put his head under Felix's, even though Felix was shy, he slowly stared to stroke Hyunjin's hair.

/-/-/-/-/-/ words 535
Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/         words 535Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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