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Summertime Sadness /-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Twelve

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Summertime Sadness
Chapter Twelve

Chan walked into the living room, he saw Jeongin with his head resting on Felix's shoulder and Felix's head on Hyunjin's. Chan smiled at sat next to Jeongin.

Jeongin wasn't asleep, he just wanted to hug his hyung. He looked over to Chan and lifted his head from Felix's shoulder. "Hello hyung." He smiled, Chan returned the smile, "hello." Chan replied, suddenly Chan and Jeongin heard Changbin yelling Jisung's name. It woke Hyunjin and Felix up too. "What's going on?" Hyunjin asked, Chan shook his head and took Jeongin's hand so he could teleport himself and Jeongin to Changbin and Jisung. Hyunjin did the same with Felix.

"What's going on?" Chan asked, Changbin had Jisung in his arms, the boy was bleeding from his head and wasn't waking up. Felix and Jeongin ran over to Jisung but Changbin told them not to come near him. "He's not waking up, get help!" Changbin yelled at the four, Felix and Jeongin thought for a minute, "only Seungmin can help him." Felix said with a sigh, "I'll go get him." Hyunjin said before Felix or Jeongin could say anything.

Hyunjin came back after a couple of minutes with Seungmin and Minho. The two was confused and worried. "What's wrong?" Minho asked, he had Seungmin clinging to him since it hurt for Seungmin to walk. "Jisung won't wake up." Jeongin said and Seungmin's eyes widened.

Jisung was placed on him back on Changbin's bed. Seungmin sat next to him with his hands on his stomach. All six boys watched as Seungmin and Jisung stared to glow. After a couple of minutes Seungmin fell back, Minho ran towards him and catch Seungmin before he fell off the bed. Jisung started to move around and finally opened his eyes. Felix and Jeongin ran over to him and hugged him, "what's going on?" Jisung mumbled, no one answered when they heard Minho called Seungmin's name. "Why won't he wake up?" Minho asked worriedly, "he's okay, he used a lot of magic while he's not very well." Felix said looking at Seungmin, placing a hand on his cheek.

"He'll wake up, I just don't know when." Felix mumbled, all demon brothers looked at Felix in shock, "what do you mean you don't know when?" Minho asked, "I'm sorry, I just don't know." Felix mumbled, Jeongin stared to cry, and so did Jisung. "Why's you let him do that?" Jisung asked Jeongin who was clinging onto him and Felix who was looking at Seungmin sadly. "It was either you die or Seungmin save you and this happen to him." Felix said looking over to Jisung who was close to crying.

"He'll wake up." Felix mumbled, "has this happened before?" Chan asked, "yes, many years ago." Felix said, "how long did it take for him to wake up?" Chan then asked, "ten years." Felix admitted. All demon brothers eyes widened, "ten fucking years?" Minho asked, Seungmin still in his arms. "Minho calm down." Chan said, "he could wake up at anytime." Felix said, "c-can we do anything to make him wake up earlier?" Minho asked, "I don't know." Felix whispered, looking down. "I'll try to find out." Chan smiled at Minho, Minho nodded and looked down to Seungmin. "I'll take him to my room." Minho muttered before leaving.

They all looked at each other. "I'm so sorry!" Jisung cried, Jeongin held onto Jisung, "it's not your fault." Changbin said, he sat down on his bed, Felix patted Jisung's head and stood up. He left the room without saying anything, Hyunjin followed him. Chan finally got Jeongin off Jisung and took him back into his (Chan's) room. Changbin sat down next to Jisung, "I can't believe it." Jisung mumbled, "I didn't think this would happen again. It was eighty years ago, his boyfriend had a "sister" we all knew it wasn't his sister. We tried to tell Seungmin but he was so deep in love, his "sister" got hurt and his boyfriend begged him to save her. That's what he did." Jisung took a deep breath, "he fainted, his boyfriend didn't seem to care. He only cared about his little girlfriend. He left Seungmin, he didn't talk to any of us no more. He left without a trace." Jisung cried, Changbin held onto him, "that's terrible," Changbin mumbled, Jisung nodded, "he never used to be shy, he would talk to everyone and he loved to make friends, he was also to trusting." Jisung laughed remembering the old Seungmin. "He's still the sweetest boy ever, but he's different." Jisung said softly, Changbin nodded, "I'm sure he'll be okay. Chan has books about everything, I'm sure he will help." Changbin said and Jisung nodded.

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Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/         words 797Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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