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Chill day/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Twenty One

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Chill day
Chapter Twenty One

With the angels

Seungmin woke up back in his and Jeongin's bed, but Jeongin wasn't with him. "Innie?" Seungmin called out the younger boys name as he sat up and rubbed his eyes a little. Seungmin heard the shower turn on and knew it was probably Jeongin, which it was. When Jeongin came out Seungmin went in. The two sat on the bed and talked for a little.

Later they went downstairs to see both Felix and Jisung. "Hi!" Seungmin yelled, he was feeling much better. "Oh hi Minnie, hi Innie." Felix said with a big smile, "what are you two doing?" Jeongin asked sitting next to Felix and Seungmin sat next to Jisung. "Nothing, there is really not much to do." Felix responded, "yeah.. wait! How about we ask one or two the guards if they can come out with us. That way we will be safe." Jisung said, "that's a good idea," Felix said, "right! I'm full of great ideas." Jisung said and all three angels laughed.

Jisung and Felix bribed two guards lot let them at least play outside the castle. The guards said yes but only if they stay close to the castle and where the other guards can see them. They said that they would and left the castle. They placed games like tag and hide and seek, games they would play together when they were younger. Though, after a couple hours they had to go in since it was getting dark.

They all secretly went into the demon brothers rooms. Seungmin was the only one who actually told the angels that he will be in Minhos room. Jeongin said that he will be in their shared bedroom but he wasn't, he was in Chan's room. Jisung and Felix both told each other they will be back in their shared room later that night but they both new they wouldn't be.

Seungmin laid down in Minho's bed, is favourite bed in the whole castle actually. Well, he's only been in his and Jeongin's and Jisung's and Felix's beds but out of all there's, Minho's was it favourite. He closed his eyes to fall asleep but he just couldn't, he kept tossing and turning. He wanted Minho to come back already but it was only the first night of him being gone. Minho would tease him a lot but Seungmin kinda liked it, he also liked how sweet Minho was to him, he used to think Minho was really scary but that's changed.

Seungmin was upset that there was no way he could talk to the elder boy until he was back; but then he remembered.


He remembered when he was stuck in that dream kinda thing he communicated with Minho through his mind, maybe he could do it again. He didn't get an answer the first time, so he tried again.




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