C h a p t e r S i x

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Pain/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Mentions of rape

Seungmin and Jeongin woke up with knocking on their bedroom door. Seungmin sat up and rubbed his eyes, he stood up and walked over to the door opening it. He saw Minho with a big smirk on his face. "Good morning pup." He said, "morning hyung." Seungmin mumbled, "sorry for waking you up, Chan wants you and your angel friends to be in the living room by ten. You have an hour." Minho explained and Seungmin nodded and shut the door. "Who was it?" Jeongin asked sitting up from the bed, "Minho-hyung. He said Chan-hyung wants us in the living room by ten." Seungmin said and Jeongin nodded.

The two walked downstairs and saw Felix and Jisung already sitting on the sofa. They also saw the four step brothers standing up, they looked at Jeongin and Seungmin with serious faces. The two sat down next to Felix and Jisung, Seungmin cling to Felix and looked at the brothers with big eyes.

"I am sure you have all encountered the beast by now, maybe you didn't see it put you have been in its presence." Chan  stated, Felix, Jisung and Jeongin nodded, "w-what beast?" Seungmin asked, scared and confused. Chan looked over to Minho, Minho sighed, "that's my we hid behind that tree." Minho admitted, Seungmin's eyes widened, "w-what did it do t-to those animals?" Seungmin asked with a shaky voice, Felix rubbed his arm to try and calm him down. "I think.. he took them." Minho said sadly, Seungmin's eyes started to water. "We don't want anyone leaving the castle without permission." Chan said and all four boys nodded, "I'm sorry that you have to live like this. I promise this will be sorted out soon." Chan apologised, "it's okay Chan-hyung. It's not your fault." Felix smiled and Chan returned it.

Later that day Jisung, Felix and Seungmin was planning to go to the store. They was told that is was massive and had almost everything inside. Jeongin didn't go since he and Chan was out together.

They got to the shop after following a map, they did get lost for a little because Jisung read the map wrong but they eventually got there. "It's so cool." Seungmin mumbled holding onto Jisung's hand, "it is. Wait, did anyone ask one of the brothers that we was coming here?" Jisung asked, Felix and Seungmin shook their head, "should we go back?" Felix asked, "nah, it took us ages to find this place. Well only stay here of a little. Anyway, Innie knows." Jisung said with a big smile, Felix nodded worriedly. They went into many different shops, they also bought a few different things with the small amount of money they had.

All four had walked into a small shop at the back of the store. It had no one inside. "I don't like it in here, can we go?" Seungmin asked with a pout, Felix nodded, "same, let's go." Before they could leave a demon stepped in front of them. "Have you boys stolen something?" He asked, he was wearing black and had a small smirk on his face, Jisung shook his head, "no." He simply answered, "you boys aren't from here are ya." Hi smirked even wider, "we are angels." Felix said, "can we leave? We have to get home." Felix asked sweetly, "let me think." "No" All three boys eyes widened, "what do you mean no? Move." Jisung said trying to push the man out of the way. Suddenly Jisung flew back and hit the wall so hard that it made a large hole. His eyes slowly opened and closed, he felt blood run down the side of his head, he felt like he was going to pass out.

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