You've Been Here Less Than A Day And You're Already Trying To Burn My House Down

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Scout watches their host be dragged up the stairs by their teammate, and snorts a laugh.

“Well, at least Pyro seems ‘ta like her.” Engineer jokes, helping Heavy and Medic gather bowls and utensils. There isn’t really much of a mess to clean, and it’s done within a few minutes.

“She seems nice enough. Certainly worse places we could have landed.” Sniper says, “Told me she’s studying insects. And music.”

“Seems to have a good relationship with her parents.” Medic points out, “at least, that’s what I gathered from that call.”

“She mentioned having a brother.” Scout puts.

“Little girl is nice,” Heavy agrees, “But she tells me she is scared of us.”

“Really?” Demo sits against the armrest of the couch, “She seemed pretty relaxed earlier.”

“She tries to hide it.” Heavy nods, “Sometimes she is not good at it.”

The familiar shimmer of Spy decloaking, and then the Frenchman is standing before them. How long he’d been there, no one is sure.

“I believe she’s more scared of some than others.” Spy says, “I passed them in the hall; She’s comfortable with Pyro, by the looks of it.”

“Seriously?” Scout questions, “Pyro scares the crap outta’ most people.”

“Yes, but she seems to know he is friendly. She did say she knew us, she just didn’t say exactly how much she knew.”

“Then which of us is she scared of?” Sniper asks, and Spy shrugs.

“It’s too early to tell, Bushman.”


“Pyro, can you stand outside for a minute? I want to change my clothes.”

You dig through your closet for a suitable set of pajamas. You couldn’t sleep in a skirt, it’s too uncomfortable. He hums and steps outside. Once the door clicks shut, you feel safe to change. 

You end up putting on a random pair of shorts and a t-shirt a size bigger than what you normally wear. You don’t remember ever having purchased it, but it has a cute cat on the front.

You go to the door to let Pyro back in, and he looks at your new outfit and gives you a thumbs up. It makes you smile.

You go to your bed and throw back the covers to climb in. Pyro shuts the door behind him, and you hear him climbing into his own bed. He gasps loudly.

You turn around to see what was wrong, only to be nearly tackled by an excited Pyro.

“Pyro!” You squeak in alarm as he squeezes you in a bone-crushing hug. He’s like a boa constrictor. You tap his arm to signal that you need air.

You’re slightly lightheaded when he lets you go, and your hands stay on his forearms to stabilize yourself. He’s talking too quickly for you to even guess what he’s saying. You stare at him, obviously confused, until you peek around him to look at his side of the room.

It was the stuffed animal you left for him; a rainbow-colored panda about the size of a toddler. 

“Oh!” You laugh, “Do you like it?”

Pyro nods, “Mmph myrph! Mmm mrh myr mhhp?”

“Oh, I don’t usually sleep with stuffed animals anymore, I just keep them in my closet.”

You walk over and pull out a bin from your closet. Popping open the lid, the entire thing is filled with stuffies of all shapes and sizes, most of your sizable collection. At the top is a pink teddy bear holding a heart embroidered with the word ‘princess’ in cursive. 
You pull her out and give her a hug. Her fur is still soft.

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