Call Me A Dog, I Will Bare My Teeth

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!Content Warning!
Y/n is nearly sexually assaulted this chapter, and she is grabbed by a stranger. If you wish to avoid these topics, please skip this chapter.


After everyone has gotten their breakfast, you all gather in the living room again, just as you did last night, though this time Pyro pulls you to sit on the floor with him.

It's quiet while everyone eats. You're organizing stuff in your head about what needs to be done today. Shopping is priority number one. They'll need clothes, and you need to get some more groceries, too. You don't have enough room in your car to bring everyone with you, though.

"Hey, guys, I'm trying to hash out plans for today." You start, and the mercs turn their attention to you. "We need to get you guys clothes, but my car only has three extra seats, and I can't bring all of you at once. So that's the main problem."

"Not a very big one." Sniper comments, "Just get the sizes of whoever doesn't go and pick up some clothes for them. Most of us aren't picky." He adds the last part with a pointed look at Spy, who rolls his eyes.

"Call it whatever you want, Bushman, some of us have standards." Spy retorts, and you decide to cut the bickering off before it can begin.

"Okay, so Spy will be coming with us. Who else?" You ask, looking for volunteers.

"I will absolutely be going." Medic states, leaving no room for argument (not that there was going to be any) "And, Heavy, I think you should come, too."

Heavy nods, "That is fine."

You nod, "Alright, that works. I'm going to change. Can somebody get a list of sizes together?"

After putting your plate in the sink, you head up to your room. It doesn't take long to change, you decide on a purple skirt and a white cropped hoodie, with thigh-high socks for warmth. You tug on your sneakers and fix your hair so you're presentable enough to go out in public.

You're only up there for a few minutes, but by the time you get back down, most of the mercs have scattered to other parts of the house. Medic is still sitting on the couch, though it seems he's put his dish in the kitchen.

"Spy and Heavy went upstairs, they won't be long." Medic says, before you even get the chance to ask, and you nod, settling on the opposite end of the couch.

The hair on your arms prickles, and you can feel Medic's eyes on you. You're not sure why he's staring, but you pretend to be oblivious. Whatever, he can stare all he wants.

Heavy comes down the stairs, and Spy follows not long after. He's taken off his balaclava.

You don't want to make a big deal out of it, so you don't comment on it, but you can't help but notice that he looks pretty much like the fan community's art of him. Salt and pepper hair, longer, angular features. He's certainly not unattractive.

"Hey. Ready to go?" You stand up and Medic does too.

"Yes." Spy answers, smoothing out his suit jacket.

"Of course." Medic replies from behind you.

Heavy nods.

You grab your keys and everyone heads out to the car. It's windy, so you're glad you wore shorts under your skirt. Heavy gets the passenger seat, and the other two get to sit in the back.

While everyone is buckling in, you connect your phone to the car, and the touchscreen in the dashboard lights up. You quickly type in the location you need on the map program and let the computer calculate your route. You don't go to the mall very often, and you don't trust your memory enough to not get lost.

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