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(A telephone rings, a girl is heard talking to her friend)

Hi, Julie. Yeah, I'm at the swim club. Huh? No, I haven't even been in the water yet. It's been Adult Swim for like, eleventy billion hours. Well Duh! were all just sitting around.

We are then shown a massive treehouse, buildings with numbers on them, a large ship and telescope sticking out of the leaves with KND on the center. 

We enter the kitchen were Numbuh 7 aka Alayna Brooks is stirring batter when suddenly the oven beeps the number 7 she dropped her whisk and ran to action.  We then cut to Numbuh 5 aka Abigail Lincoln's bedroom were she is seen reading a book light shines onto of the pages to show Number 5. She takes off her glasses and runs out the room.  Then, Numbuh 4 aka Wallabee Beatles is sparing with a KND combat robot, after he defeats the robot by flipping it over a spotlight with Number 4 is shown on the ring.  We then enter Numbuh 3s bedroom aka Kuki Sanban which is covered in stuffed animals Numbuh 4 grams her arm and drags her out.  Next, is Numbuh 2 aka Hoagie Gilligan who is sleeping in his actual airplane bed.  The navigator then lights up Number 2, he ejects himself out of the bed imitating an airplane noise.   Everyone arrived in the main headcounters where we meet Numbuh 1 aka Nigel Uno, as he extends from the floor with a podium. To give his team the latest mission.

Numbuh 1: Greetings, fellow Kids Next Door. Today's mission is an important one for us. Now, as you can see, one of our satellites has intercepted a phone call from the neighborhood swim club.

Numbuhs 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7: Ooh. 

Numbuh 1: It seems that our enemies, the grown-ups, have extended their Adult Swim so that kids have absolutely no swim time of their own. And we all know how boring a bunch of grown-ups are in a pool. (he said annoyingly) 

Numbuh 2: Yeah, Numbuh 1, they never splash around or do cannonballs!

Numbuh 3: And they never scream real loud!!!

Numbuh 4: (dunking Numbuh 3) Or dunk each other under the water!

Numbuh 7: And they never play underwater games!

Numbuh 1: Precisely. So, if we're going to put a stop to this Adult Swim thing, we're going to need a plan. And I have just- 

(A whistle from Numbuh5)

Numbuh 5: Numbuh 5 has a plan.(She says in third person) Why don't we just go jump in the pool? Who's gonna stop us?

Numbuh 4: Let's do it!

Numbuhs 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7: (they cheer and run from the treehouse)

Numbuh 1: Hey, guys, wait for me.

We the see the operatives flying in the KND Cool bus.

Numbuh 2: (Piloting the bus) Gooood afternoon passengers. This is your captain, Numbuh 2, speaking. At this time, we would like a request that you, HANG ON TO YOUR UNDERWEAR!!! WAHAHAHAHOO!!! WAHOO!!!

Number 1through 7 are then shot our of the underside of the bus in screw like launch pods. All in their swimwear.

Numbuh 1: Let's get in that pool!

Number 1 to 7 scream running down the hill to the pool.

Two life guards are shown talking

Mr. Fibb: Mr. Wink.

Mr. Wink: Yes Mr. Fibb.

Mr. Fibb: Aren't those the Kids Next Door?

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