Operation: C.O.W.G.I.R.L.

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The KND operatives are running for their lives in the street while Numbuh 2 holds some jar in his hands while they are chases by Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb, before they can be squarish though a lasso ropes them up to safely in a nearby tree.

Mr. Fibb: I assumed we had those pesky Kids Next Door right where we wanted them, Mr. Wink. Where do you suppose they- He was interrupted by a cowpoke holler that started both Mr. Wink and Mr. Fibb.

Cowgirl: YIPPEE-KI-YOW! Y'all looking of  us?

Mr. Wink: Our sincerest apologies....

Mr. Fibb: But well be taking my dome back now.

Cowgirl: Y'all can take it over my dead body.

Mr. Fibb: An interesting proposal, Mr. Wink.

Mr. Wink: Indeed, Mr. Fibb.

The Tank chair they were riding transformed into a super chain robot monster.  It fired two missiles that had the cowgirl drop the rope she was holding and the KND operatives fell from he tree knocking themselves out.

When the kids woke up they were in a very old barn like treehouse next to a highway 

Numbuh 1: Hmmm? This isn't our tree house. Where are we? We better split up and look for a way out of here. 

Suddenly the cowgirl who saves them opened the barn doors.

CowGirl: YEEE HAW That sure was a close one, partners, but we showed the A-dults what for, didn't we?!

There savior was a adult herself a older one with gray hair she put in braided pigtails.

Numbuh 1: And... who are you?

Lasso Lass: I'm Lasso Lass,  The routine', tootin'est, shoot-em up hooyinest A-dult fighting cowgirl this side of the Mississippi

Numbuh 1: You fight Adults?

Numbuh 7: Where not in Mississippi where in Virginia.

Lasso Lass: You're darn tootin! I'm the last member of the rowdiest bunch of grown-up fighters ever-- the cowboy kids club! Welcome to my secret treetop ranch in all its glory. 

Numbuh 1: Glory? This place is a du-AHHh! He had fallen trough the floor of the old bard porch

Numbuh 7: Ill get you Numbuh 1 don't worry.

Lasso Lass:  Man yourself at home, partners. I keep all the important equipment here, safe from any adults who might think of rustling it. Yes, sir, only top-shelf equipment here. 

Numbuh 1 with the help of Numbuh 7 got back into the treehouse and was talking through a window while the rest of the team looked around the place

Numbuh 1: Top-shelf this stuff in trash!

Lasso Lass: Trash!? Why with this high-tech Radio Graphamajiggy, I can spy in adults day and night. Fancy Huh. And what about these super- duper telemarking receiviolas?

All but Nigel: Ooh

Lasso Lass: I can use these to relay important news to my teammates. Hello!? Can you read me!?

Codename: KND x OCWhere stories live. Discover now