Operation: T.U.R.N.I.P.

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Numbuhs 1 and 5 are in the Treehouse and holding weapons against a giant robot rabbit. Numbuh 2 starts rapid-firing onto the robot. Numbuh 5 shoots her weapon, which causes an power cord to wrap around its legs. Numbuh 4 jumps in, screaming, and lands on the robots head. Numbuh 7 blasts the robot with her weapon but it doesn't  do anything.

Numbuh 4: Come on, you overgrown piece of--

Numbuh 4 screams as the robot jerks its head and flings him off. Numbuh 2 screams as Numbuh 4 crashes into him. Numbuh 2's weapon starts firing on its own without any aim. Numbuh 1 gasps as it almost hits him, and he moves backwards, tripping over Numbuh 5's power cord. The rabbit uses a paw to grab onto the band and pulls Numbuhs 1 and 5. They scream as they're launched upwards and crash into Numbuh 7. The three of them jump out of the way before they are crushed by its back foot into the wall. This causes a massive hole to be ripped in the Treehouse, cracking the platform that Numbuhs 2 and 4 are standing on. They scream as they fall. Numbuhs 1, 2, 4,5 and 7 groan as they're all in a pile of debris.

Numbuh 5: This ain't right.

H.I.P.P.I.E.-H.O.P.: Victory is mine, Kids Next Door! Now, it is time for...

Its head opens. Numbuhs 1, 2, 4,5 and 7 gasp. Numbuh 3 is found sitting inside of the robot rabbit.

Numbuh 3: Lunch break!

Sector V is in another part of the Treehouse, walking out of the staircase.

Numbuh 1: Alright, so we're not totally prepared for a giant bunny attack! We'll train some more after lunch.

Numbuh 3: And then we battle the giant ducky! You promised, you promised, you promised! Numbuh 3 grabs onto Numbuh 1's hand and jumps excitedly. He pulls his hand away.

Numbuh 1: Ugh, I'll have to go upload the robotic waterfowl protocols. I'll be eating in my room. Meet me in the training bay when you're finished. Hmm... perhaps the hyper-velocity carrot projector, hmm...

(Numbuh 1 exits. Numbuhs 2 and 4 are getting cups from the front of a car that's implanted in the Treehouse walls.)

Numbuh 4: If we're moving up to duckies, I'm gonna need some soda! Numbuh 4 goes to the soda dispenser, and there is an odd banging and slithering sound before a turnip falls into his cup. He picks it up and stares at it.

Numbuh 4: Huh?

Numbuh 5 is at a water cooler. She starts pouring herself water, but the tank starts filling up with turnips.

Numbuh 5: Eugh... Numbuh 5 hates turnips.

Numbuh 7: HEY! Who put turnips in my kitchen!  Not funny guys!

Numbuh 3: Wasn't us.

Numbuhs 2 and 3 are standing outside of a safe.

Numbuh 2: Well, I'll just get some ice cream from the frid--

Numbuh 2 opens the safe and turnips shoot out. He and Numbuh 3 scream as they're thrown backwards from the turnips. The turnips cause an avalanche that drags Numbuhs 2-5, and 7 across the Treehouse as they scream. They end up pressed against a window.

Numbuh 7: Im gonna get whoever messed with my kitchen.

Numbuh 5: Well, that explains where the turnips are coming from!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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