Operation: T.E.E.T.H.

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We see Numbuh 3 licking a giant red lollipop while holding a blue spotted bag of candy. As she walks back to the Treehouse we see her terrible unclean gross teeth. When she makes a wrong turn in leading to a dead end alleyway it turns dark and someone creeps up behind her and does something terrible.... they clean her teeth till they shine as bright as a flashlight! 

Numbuh 4: Where can she be.  They have been waiting for Numbuh 3 for ages

Numbuh 1: Its a simple mission a trip to the candy store! She can't even get that right.

Numbuh 7: She probable got lost trying to hug a rainbow monkey. ( she said sarcastic laughing at the end).

As he finished his rant the door open to Numbuh 3 standing there.

Numbuh 4: Its about time you got m-

Numbuh 2: Chocolate Logs!!? Did you bring the Chocolate logs?!!

Numbuh 5: And Numbuh 5's Caramel Critters?

Numbuh 7: Don't forget my Gummy Gushums!

Numbuh 1: You better have a good explanation for this, Numbuh3.

Numbuh 3: Um...I, um... LOOK! She then shines her too bright teeth at them.


Numbuh 1: What happened! Your teeth should look like this. (He grades Numbuh 4 to show his unclean teeth.)

Numbuh 2: Or this. (he said showing off his decaying teeth)

Numbuh 5: Of this showing her teeth

Numbuh 7: At least this! ( between all of her friends she had the best teeth, they still aren't great)

Numbuh 3: I know. (She said in a defeated tone.)

Numbuh 7: Its okay Numbuh 3 will fix it (she said while rubbing her back in comfort) 

Numbuh 5: Look, all we got to do is get some candy, and well get those teeth back out of shape in no time.

Numbuh 1: Good idea Numbuh 5, to the candy store!

The team used Numbuh 3's teeth as a light to see where they were going.

Numbuh 1: Eyes front Numbuh 

Numbuh 3: Okay(muffled)

Dentist: Children, Children, Children, Dr. Sigmund Teef at your service. You kids look you's love a complimentary checkup. Ahh there's nothing like a good teeth cleaning. First there's the brushing, then there's the scraping and the scrubbing and the spitting- OH, the freshness!So why don't you all step inside my office, (the kids started to leave the weird dentist) and well um.. um..  well make an appointment  for Tuesday... or Wednesday?

Numbuh 4: Freak!

Numbuh 7: Weirdo!

They both look at each other and start to laugh at their jabs. 

When they finally made it to the candy store it was closed

Numbuh 5: Finally- Candy Time!

Numbuh 1: Uh-oh. Looks like we've got a problem.

Numbuh 2: Closed?! But it's only midnight!

Numbuh 7: That is pretty late to be open Numbuh 2.

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