Operation: N.O. - P.O.W.U.H.

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We see int Treehouse in the distance when a older man with red balding hair orders an attack

Principal: Parent-Teacher Organization of Eradicating Youngsters, attack!

The treehouse electrocutes him as he flyer above it.

Numbuh 1 enters the main room of the treehouse. Code red! The Treehouse is under attack! Kids Next Door, battle stations!

Numbuh 4: I'll take care of those study-happy sickos! He is holding a S.P.L.A.N.K.E.R. that need electricity.

Mad Dad enters through a window behind Numbuh 4, holding a test with a failing grade.

Mad Dad: Mad Dad Mad! You get bad report card, again!

Mad Dad lunges at Numbuh 4, who knocks him back with the S.P.L.A.N.K.E.R.

Numbuh 4: And that ain't my report card, ya nut!

We then see Numbuh 3 holding a teddy bear launcher

Numbuh 3: Plug me in, Numbuh 5!

Numbuh 5: Power is on.

She aims the shooter out the window, as the Terrible Tutor is flying around.

Terrible Tutor: You cannot defeat the Terrible Tutor!

The Terrible Tutor shoots textbooks from his sleeves. Numbuh 3 shoots her teddy bear gun. Each book is shot down by a teddy bear, and a final teddy bear hits him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground. As he falls, the Heli-Teacher flies in.

Numbuh 3: Numbuh 2, the Heli-Teacher's all yours!

Numbuh 2 is shown with a slingshot, surrounded by bones and apple cores. He gives a thumbs-up to Numbuh 3 with a muffled noise, as he has a bone in his mouth. He then flings the bone at the Heli-Teacher, which does nothing. Numbuh 2 gasps as the Heli-Teacher laughs and flies closer to the Treehouse.

Heli-Teacher: Your aim is as bad as your schoolwork! Ha ha ha!

As she comes into the treehouse Numbuh 5 & 7 aim there laser weapons and shoot her 

Heli-Teacher: Oop. Ahh!

The Heli-Teacher falls to the floor. Numbuh 2 and 3 are next to a hole in the Treehouse walls, and jump out of the way as the Midwestern Mom jumps in.

Midwestern Mom: Naughty children make Midwestern Mom angry!

Numbuh 1: Energi-hugeic fly swatter, fire!

A rotating ring of fly swatters flies from Numbuh 1's machine, hitts the Midwestern Mom in the face. She falls out of the Treehouse, yelling, and lands in the middle of the rest of the Parent-Teacher Organization of Eradicating Youngsters.

Principal: Retreat! All the adult run away like little babys

Numbuh 1: You heard the man!

Numbuh 2: Yeah, we kicked butt!

Numbuh 1: Numbuh 2! What is this? He said angrily.

Numbuh 2: Um, a rubber band food flinger?

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