Operation: C.A.N.N.O.N.

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Inside the treehouse we enter with Numbuh 1 debriefing his team on important information.

Numbuh 1: My fellow Kids Next Door, I'm afraid I must leave in a Top-secret Mission. I, Numbuh 1, will single-handedly infiltrate a massive adult torture facility, filled with monstrous mechanical Devices designed to make vomit uncontrollably.

Numbuh 2 & 4: Ew!

Numbuh 3 & 5: Wow!

Numbuh 7: Yuck!

Numbuh 1: And that's not all

Nigels Mum: Nigel ,Dear come along. You Don't want to be late for our trip to Hap-Happy Land. She said Cheerily.

Numbuh 7: Big Top-Secret Mission huh she said sarcastically

Numbuh 1: Uh, Gotta run

Numbuh 5: Its relaxing time

Numbuh 3: Yay

Numbuh 2&4: Ahh

Numbuh 7: Mmm nap-time

As the settle down for some nice relaxation a sudden explosion wakes then up.

All: Huh, what!?

Mysterious Villain: Those who do not pay their library fines shall incur the stingy wrath of Count Spankulot! Muyhhaha, hahaha.

Numbuh 5: OW OW OW OW

Numbuh 2: AAAHHH! NOOOO! 

Numbuh 3: AWW, UH OW OW


Numbuh 4: OW OW HEY OW

Count Spankulot: There all paid up.

As they all rub there bottoms

Numbuh 4: A Right who forgot to turn on the Spanker-Spotter Defense Grid?!

Numbuh 5,3, 7: Ug, I don't know, Bets Me

Numbuh 2: Sleepily I think Numbuh 1 usually turns on the Spanky-spotty thing

Numbuh 4: Annoyingly Ugh

The Roof of the tree house is then blown in and coming down is two military adults with jetpacks.

Female Adult: Nice Explosive Work Sergeant Sensible. Now, lets make these Kids Presentable>

Male Adult: Yes, Major Mrs. Manners, Sir!

Numbuh 2: Its the proper Patrol!

Numbuh 7: Scatter!

As the Kids run for it they get hit by lasers that change their outfits and hair.  The boys are wearing blue baby outfits and the girls in pink.

Proper Patrol: Good work! Now let's get back to base and hang those new lace curtains.

As they leave and make another hole in the roof the kids look at their outfits. 

All: EWW

As they change in a flash 

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