Operation C.A.K.E.D.

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The Delightful Children From Down The Lane's Mansion comes into view, we enter a party room where party guest are singing to DCFDTL as there cake sits in all its delicious glory.

Party Guests: Happy Birthday, it's your birthday, Happy Birthday, not our birthday, Happy Birthday, Hooray ( the guest all sing in unhappy voices)

DCFDTL: Splendid. Now while I eat our birthday cake, you may sing it AGAIN!

Party guests: Ugh, Happy birth-( they were cut off)

Mustard Bottle Skunk Bombs are thrown into the mansion to act as cover while Sector V infiltrate the party room, scaring away the guest Numbuh 4 breaks through a window wearing a S.M.E.L.L.M.E.T.Shielded Mask Expels Lotsa Lousy Malodorous Emanations Totally-.  Numbuh 3 enters the room from the fireplace throwing two more Skunk Bombs into the room, Numbuh 7 breaks through the second front window throwing the last skunk Bomb.  Numbuh 5 enters from above in a screw barrel, side flipping away.  Numbuh 2 swings to the last window in the room yelling like Tarzan but docent break the glass instead he just splits into it.  With the party guest all gone Numbuh 3,4,5, &7 all stand at the entrance to the room where Numbuh 1 comes through.

Numbuh 1: Status Report, Numbuh 5.

Numbuh 5: As for Operation C.A.K.E., party guests evacuated, cake located, and party clown neutralized.

Numbuh 1: Cake quality Report, Numbuh 7.

Numbuh 7: Cake frosting untouched, candles still in tact.

Numbuh 1: Excellent. Numbuh 7 prepare the cake for transport back to headquarters, while I have a word with The Delightful Children From Down the Lane.

DCFDTL: Well, if it isn't the Kids Next Door. Have you arrived to abscond with my birthday cake like you do every year?

Numbuh 1: Precisely. It's better than watching you spoiled snobs eating by yourselves. So, let's do this the easy way. Hand over the cake, and we'll be on our way.

DCFDTL: But we were just about to play some party games. Please stay...(The door, fireplace, and windows all, Numbuh 2 was even about to enter the room but was tossed out) we insist.

Numbuh 1: It's always the hard way with you goody goody creeps, isn't it? (Snaps) Numbuh 4.

Numbuh 4: Right. First, I'm gonna clean your adult loving prissy little flops, and then I'll be taking that cake.(Numbuh 7 comes up to the side of Numbuh 4) m 

Numbuh 7: Numbuh 4 I don't really trust you with the cake ill take it.

DCFDTL: No party games, Wallace, Alayna? You wouldn't want to disappoint our friend, Laura, would you?

Laura: I got invited to a birthday party.

Numbuh 4: Beat it, squirt! (Shoves Laura) I ain't got no time for no party games.

Laura: There's no party games?But... I... love... party... games...(She starts to act very strange)

DCFDTL: Oh, did I forget to mention Laura's little condition? Meet The Big Badolescent.

TBB/Laura: Me... want... party games NOW!(She starts to smash Numbuh 4 into the table)

Numbuh 7: NO the cake, before she can grad the cake it flies in the air)

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