2. pre-presidential duties

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(glee: episode two: i am unicorn)

(glee: episode two: i am unicorn)

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spencer didn't know how or why he had been elected for senior class president since the older hudson sibling didn't want to go against his step brother's wishes to be senior class president.

sure he had some ideas that he wanted to elaborate more on, since spencer was filled with amazing ideas on what this year could be like if he did win senior class president, he'd definitely have an sadie hawkins dance.

spencer sat on top of the piano as puck sat on the piano strumming his acoustic guitar as their teacher walked through the door clapping his hands, "all right, new directions! big news,"

their glee club teacher comes near puck and spencer making the two boys stand up from where they were sat and go towards any free seats.

spencer takes a seat next to samaria, "as you all know, vocal adrenaline came in second last year at nationals,"

"the only good thing to come out of that lost weekend—" rachel nudged her boyfriend who then added, "well besides us getting back together,"

spencer had his arm around his best friend's chair, "well, the boosters at carmel don't donate tens of thousands of dollars every year to come in second, so they fired dustin goolsby,"

"so handsome,"

artie added where spencer nods his head at what artie said, "and they're having trouble finding a new coach, seems that no one wants to take on that pressure cooker,"

the new directions smiled, "that means they're vulnerable," mr schue nods his head at what tina said, "yes, and if we work hard enough we will beat them, which is why I realise that, um, i can't direct the musical this year,"

"no, mr schue, you—you can't cancel the musical, my New York dreams depend on it," spencer rolled his eyes, "i'm not cancelling it, i'm just not directing it,"

"my sole focus has to be in here, nationals, nationals, nationals,"

spencer ran a hand through his dark hair, "it's not just me that's going to have to focus harder this year, i've been too easy on you," spencer furrowed his eyebrows, "so every day after choir practice, i'm instituting a mandatory booty camp so that we can work on our dancing,"

spencer looked to his friends, "now, it's not for all of you— just the people that i think need help, like—"


the bad dancer in the hudson family said as spencer pats his brother's arm, "how did you know? and puckerman, hummel,"

"i must protest,"

spencer turnt back to face his step brother, "you kind of gave one move, kurt, it's like this sashay, and it's super distracting," he told his step brother who makes a face.

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