19. my dreams will be true

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19. my dreams will be true

Rewrite The Stars - The Greatest Showman"you know i want you, it's not a secret i try to hide, you know you want me, so don't keep saying our hands are tied,"

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Rewrite The Stars - The Greatest Showman
"you know i want you, it's not a secret i try to hide, you know you want me, so don't keep saying our hands are tied,"


Spencer half smiled at Santana, when he remembered last night where Santana had started kissing Spencer's neck, when he had stopped her, "i...i can't do this to Mercedes, San.."

"okay, guys, listen up," Mr Schuester clapped his hands, gaining the new directions attention, "this is Mr Ryan,"

Bryan Ryan turned around, "he's a member of the school board, and uh..he'd like to say a few words," Mr Schuester looked at Spencer when he furrowed his eyebrows, "i..i just want you guys to listen critically and know that what he's saying is just one of many opinions,"

Mr Schuester came and sit onto the stool beside Spencer who was sat beside Sean and Mike, "take out a piece of paper,"

the new directions went into their bags, going to their notebooks, "and on that paper, isn't you to write down your biggest dream," Mike hands Sean a piece of paper.

Spencer bit onto his lip, when he looks at Santana then just shook his head, 'Getting a Football Scholarship' Mr Ryan paces around, "a dream that means so much, you're afraid to admit it to even your yourself,"

Mr Ryan goes towards Artie, crumbling his piece of paper, when Artie frowned when Spencer glared at Mr Ryan, he then throws it into the bin, "your dreams is never going to happen,

Mr Schuester put his hand to his head, "91% of you will spend your entire lives living in Allen Country, Ohio," Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, "so unless you wrote down that your dream was to work for a mid-market health insurance provider, or find an entry level job in an elderly car facility,"

Sean frowned when Micaela looks down at her boyfriend beside Samaria and Tina, "you're going to be very disappointed,"

Mercedes frowns, "this is really depressing," Spencer looked at Mercedes with a frown on his lips, "i'm going to guess that a lot of your dreams involve showbiz," Spencer shook his head, "well, let me tell you, showbiz dreams are the most realistic of them all,"

Tina looked at Mr Ryan, "but... that's what i want to do with my life," Mr Ryan looked at Tina, "oh.. look, i'm not trying to hurt your feelings, i'm just trying to spare you disappointment,"

Spencer turn to Mr Schuester, "i think we get your point," Mr Ryan put his head to the side, "aw, well, Schuester here's a prime example,"

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