21. funkytown

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21. funkytown

Naked - James Arthur"i'm not gonna try 'til you decide, you're ready to swallow all your pride, i'm standing here naked, i'm standing here naked,"

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Naked - James Arthur
"i'm not gonna try 'til you decide, you're ready to swallow all your pride, i'm standing here naked, i'm standing here naked,"


Spencer looked down at Artie, "is it just me? Or does it feel like we have a real shot at regionals next month?" Spencer stood beside Artie's wheelchair while Tina wheels him and Kurt stands next to Spencer with Mercedes on the other side of Artie, "the Ohio show choir chat rooms have all been buzzing about how vocal adrenaline has lost a step,"

Spencer smirks, "i agree..." Kurt high fives Spencer, "that judges know all of their tricks and now that we have Jessie, they've lost their best performer," Spencer looks at them, "wait, am i still male lead?"

Kurt nods his head at Spencer, "Spencer, Mr Schuester practically thinks of you and Finn like his own sons, you are the male lead," Spencer smiled, "okay, good,"

Rachel slides across the hallway in front of the five teenagers, "you guys have to come to the auditorium," Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, "what, why?"

"it's an emergency!" Rachel runs towards the auditorium when Tina looks at Spencer, when he nods his head, "you ready, buddy?" Spencer runs pushing the wheelchair as the five of them make it into the auditorium.

Spencer sees the new directions standing near the railings when Spencer's blue eyes turns towards Vocal Adrenaline who stood on their stage in blue jackets when Jessie moved away from them, "Jessie?"

Rachel scoffs, "what are you doing up there with them?" Spencer walks away from Artie, going near Samaria and the new directions, "i've transferred back to Carmel High, Rachel,"

Spencer furrowed his eyebrows at Jessie, "i'm sorry that it's come to this, but you guys were awful to me," Spencer frowned, "you never accepted me, you never let me become male lead, you never listened to my clearly superior ideas,"

Spencer moves away from the new directions alongside Finn, "why are you here in our auditorium?" the new directions boys come to stand beside the two brothers, "the blogs and chat rooms say that we're finished, and that you guys are ripe to topple us,"

Spencer looked back at his friends, "we just wants to show you a little something we came up with a few days ago to see if you agree with that assessment," Spencer crossed his arm over his chest when he sees Giselle staring at him.

Another One Bites The Dust plays in the auditorium, Spencer rolled his eyes at the simple dance moves, "this is making me tired,"

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