13. the justin bieber experience

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13. the justin bieber experience

The Way That You Do - Ross Lynch "sometimes it feels like you lost your swag, you got a kick me sign coving the skills that you have, and it all looks wrong

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The Way That You Do - Ross Lynch
"sometimes it feels like you lost your swag, you got a kick me sign coving the skills that you have, and it all looks wrong.."


Spencer Hudson, Mike Chang and Sean Fabray sat beside each other in their Spanish class with Santana behind them with Maisy and Samaria as Finn, Mason and Puck we're throwing paper balls at the three best friends.

"regresar," Mr Schuester turned towards his students when Finn and Mason sat back down, after throwing paper balls at Mike, Spencer and Sean.

Mike ripped a page out of his notebook, crumpling it up into a ball, "who knows what that means?" Mr Schuester frowned at his students when Santana rolled her eyes, "to come back,"

Mr Schuester looked towards Spencer, Mike and Sean who sat at the front of the classroom, when he takes the paper balls out of their hands, when they frowned, "to come back,"

Mr Schuester faces his whiteboard, "now if you're going to put in the past.." Mrs Pillsbury comes running into Mr Schuester's classroom, "Will?" Mr Schuester turns to Emma, "it's an emergency,"



Spencer held his Spanish textbooks in his hands when he sees Quinn, "hi," Quinn smiled at her boyfriend, when Spencer leaned in and kissed Quinn, "so.."

Quinn smiled up at Spencer, looking into his blue eyes, "i want to confirm our date on Friday at colour me mine,"

Quinn furrowed her eyebrows at him, "wait," Spencer frowns, "you were serious about that?" Spencer nods his head, "it's painting coasters time, baby,"

"so," Spencer scratched the back of his neck, "are we good for Friday?" Quinn nods her head, "yeah, i mean, i don't think i have anything else to do,"

Spencer smiled brightly at Quinn, "cool.." Spencer pressed his lips to Quinn's cheek, "and then we can go to your house,"


Spencer stood at his locker, when he smiled at Quinn entered through the double doors, when Spencer sees Finn go towards Quinn, when Quinn looked behind her shoulder to see Spencer standing there with a small frown on his face.

when Santana comes towards him, as she leaned against the locker beside Spencer's, "hi," Santana bit onto her lip when she looks at Spencer, "hey.."

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