9. i could never forget you!

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9. i could never forget you!

 i could never forget you!

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Begggin' On Your Knees - Victorious "you had it all the day you told me (told me) you want me, i had it all but let you fool me (fool me) completely,"

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Begggin' On Your Knees - Victorious
"you had it all the day you told me (told me) you want me, i had it all but let you fool me (fool me) completely,"


"house seats to sectionals," Emma looked up at William, who stood above her with a coffee in his hand, "those things are hard to come by,"

William smiled, "scalpers are getting, like, five bucks for them," Emma smiled when Will took a seat, "i however, as coach of one of the competitions teams, get two, and i would be honoured if you would be my plus one,"

Will looked at Emma, "i mean, you being at sectionals is.... is kind of a good luck charm for us," Emma smiled at him, "i would love to,"

Mr Schuester let out a breath, "i mean, not that we're gonna need any talismans, i have a killer set list planned,"

"first.." Emma interrupts Will, "no, let me guess," she puts jam onto her bread, "Finn and Rachel are gonna do a ballad, Spencer and Mercedes will probably do a ballad as well, right?"

Will frowned, "followed by the kids joining in with a classic rock number where Mercedes or Micaela will belt out the last jaw-dropping note,"

William frowned at Emma, "have you been going through my desk?" Emma shrugged her shoulders, "it's what you always do,"

"every team tried to showcase their strongest players, and Spencer is definitely one of them," Emma nods her head, "yeah, look, just seeing your kids do the rocky horror thing really reminded me of how much talent you've got in glee club,"

Emma smiled, "Quinn and Samaria have beautiful voices, and Mike Chang and Spencer Hudson has dance moves that are to die for," Emma looked at Will, "look, i'm sure that you know what you're doing, i'm not saying that,"

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