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Aylara's POV

I wrapped gently my arms around Neteyam's tiny waist. I always hated touch and affection. But I think this is the first time I've been craving and loving it. Desperate for more. It's like it was different with Neteyam. Each time I was with him, my worries went away. I didn't think about my past nor the future. Just the present.

I've observed him, taking in every tiny detail of his appreance. I've noticed an beautiful rider's mask he's wearing, it suits him perfectly. Heck. He looks hot wearing it. He pulls it off perfectly.

One thing about him, is that his face can tell you everything. His tiny freckles that light up like fireflies at night. His yellow eyes, that gaze I was so in love with, that could control me. That contagious smile of his and ears, that went up each time he was happy, and surprisingly each time I was near him. His tail that tagged like a tiny puppy. That was so precious.

I've never flewn before, but I had dreams of it. I knew I was part of the Metkayina clan, but I always wondered what is it like to be apart of the Omaticaya, swinging through trees, doing archery, riding direhorses and flying ikrans. I'm happy with Tulkun and Ilus but an Ikran is such a majestic beast. Neteyam's ikran looked just like him. Majestic.

I observe the view, we are in the Hallelujah mountains. I heard stories about this place when I was younger and I wanted to visit. The multiple floating islands with scenery is amazing. I guess we are getting closer to the village.

''So... like flying, princess?''

I hear Neteyam asking me, still facing in front of him. I wish I'd seen his face though, especially when he calls me that way, I have butterflies in my stomach. He probably calls his friends like that too.

His tail slowly wraps around my thigh. I try keeping my calm.

'' Of course Teyam''

Skxawng. He really thought he was the only one with nicknames. I had to move my game up better than that.

For the next minutes, we flew in a comfortable silence.


I was still gripping his waist when we landed on the grass. Thankfully, there weren't any other na'vi there. Teyam jumped down first.

''May I?'' he asked pointing at my waist.

I tired nodding as calmly as possible (If I wouldn't stay calm my head would fly off from the frantic nodding) as he grabbed me from the waist, with his muscular arms I kept checking out He was keeping eye contact when he plopped me down on the grass.

My heart was beating way faster than usual when he touched me. I thought I would have a heart attack. I gave him a friendly smile.

''So.. what do we do now tey?'' I asked him playfully, becuase I knew he would react to the nickname I gave him. And he did, he blushed. I nudged his elbow as he was taking way too long to reply.

''Well beautiful, we could part ways.. say we never met.. tell a lie?'' He chuckled at his own reply.

''If you say so'' I cooed.

''See you later Neteyam!'' I waved and ran off before he even had time to tell reply.


I slowly crept back into the tent, trying not to make a noise and alert my family. As I heard someone clearing their throat. Fuck. Ronal.

''Hey mom...'' I spoke nervously hoping she wouldn't pluck my eyeballs.

𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗯𝗶𝗱𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲- neteyam x ocWhere stories live. Discover now