Chapter 22

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Using my knees to keep her upper body pinned, I unlaced Josie's suicide vest and carefully pried it off of her, tossing it safely out of reach. Her screams of protest gradually subsided into bitter sobs, and by the time Corrigan arrived with the bomb squad, she had lapsed into a catatonic silence.

"That didn't feel good," I said, watching as Detective Sloane and two officers nearly dragged Josie Connelly off in handcuffs.

"I know," said Sergeant Corrigan, putting a hand on my shoulder. "You saved that girl's life, though."

"She was hurting," I said sharply. "She still is. Billy the Comb kills her parents and she ends up in Merceron while he goes free. What kind of justice is that?"

"Well, for one thing, she's not going to Merceron," said Corrigan. "Judge Vickers already ruled she goes straight to Rothko. That'll probably be the norm for freaks from now on. I'll make sure she's under 24-hour surveillance. She seems like a suicide risk."

"Ugh, stop making me regret this," I groaned. "At least your sister won't have to worry about delivering any exploding packages."

"My sister is a registered nurse," said Corrigan smugly. "But I'm glad you did the right thing. Next time, think about the other people's sisters who drive mail trucks, and I won't have to lie to you."

"It may be the right thing for the city," I said bitterly. "I'm not sure it was the right thing for Josie."

"I'll look after her," said Corrigan seriously. "I promise. Actually..."

She looked over her shoulder to make sure we were a safe distance from the cops who were collecting Josie's belongings into evidence bags.

"They've given me a new assignment on top of my work in the SVU. I'm now the department's official liaison with Rothko. The commissioner said that since I liked freaks so much, I might as well be in charge of them. As if I wasn't already working enough unpaid overtime."

"So... does that mean we can work together again?"

"I think so," said Corrigan, barely suppressing a smile. "Let's meet by the Chilltern docks and pay a visit to Rothko Supermax this Friday. I'll introduce you to the warden. He's an... interesting guy. I think he'll be happy to work with you."

"Sounds good," I said. "I, uh... better take the long way down. Sounds like it's getting crowded down there."

I leaned over the edge of the platform, trying to get a good look at the tumult unfolding below. The arrest of Josie Connelly had apparently turned the Black Kilns into the hottest destination in the Fen. The cops were just the beginning. The fine gentlemen of the press—armed as usual with notebooks and flashbulbs—were close behind them, and the Montagneses were right on their tail. Actually, had I wanted to take out most of the organized crime in the Fen, all I would have needed to do was give one of Josie's half-finished bombs a good chuck. Frankie was there, of course, accompanied by Dalton and Nick, who was still standing unusually stiff and wincing as he walked. "Buffalo Mick" Anselmo and some of his men were remonstrating with Detective Sloane, obviously hoping to arrange Josie's convenient disappearance before she made it to Rothko. Paul the Rabbit was pacing the edge of the throng, gnawing his carrot with a bemused expression on his face.

Corrigan obviously had a long night ahead of her.

"One more thing before I deal with... that," said Corrigan, leaning against the railing beside me. "Wednesday is supposed to be the last day of Simon Mallory's trial. I'm guessing we both have the same sense of foreboding?"

"Oh yeah. Psychosis will definitely try something."

"I'll need to be there anyway so I can take him to Rothko," said Corrigan. "Just let me know how I can help you get ready for whatever he's planning."

Fear Her Wrath II: Crucible of GlassWhere stories live. Discover now