Chapter 24

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The panicked rush for exits provided the perfect cover as I put my emergency plan into action. Everything was in place. The night before, I'd broken into the courthouse with Corrigan's help and concealed my gear, my mask, and my purple hoodie in a gym bag beneath the front right bench of the gallery. As one of Psychosis's masked goons fired a warning shot, I dropped to the ground and rolled under the bench where I'd been sitting. I'd have just seconds in that enclosed space to change into my street costume. More gunshots rang out as the guards exchanged fire with the intruders, and I prayed that the screams I heard weren't people getting caught in the crossfire. As I squirmed into my purple hoodie and pulled my mask over my head, I heard Ellie's voice in my ear.

"So, did you plan for the gorilla?"

"No. How's it look out there?"

"Uh, well, I hope you weren't, like, planning to save the guards, because..."

More gunshots, and screams. I tried squirming a little faster.

"Crap. You ready to cut the cameras?"

"Oh yeah. Just tell me when."

A lot happened in the 30-or-so seconds I spent changing into my costume. Psychosis's doll-masked goons shot and killed both of the state troopers that were guarding Psychosis. The gorilla slammed its wooden club against the glass of the defendant's cage until it shattered. Psychosis escaped from his cuffs, climbed gingerly out of the ruins of his former confinement, and went straight for his gear, which—conveniently enough—was spread out on the evidence table, ready to use. As he attached his porcelain gauntlets and strapped on his chest armor, someone was walking slowly up the main aisle of the gallery—a fresh carnation trembling in her hands.

It was the girl with dark hair and pale complexion—the only person apart from me who hadn't run screaming when the gorilla broke down the door. She'd been near the back, so I hadn't noticed her until now. She seemed almost like she was in a trance as she walked through what was left of the divider and approached the front of the courtroom. Psychosis's doll-masked goons raised their guns, but he held up his left hand in warning.

"Well," he sneered. "What do we have here?"

The girl didn't say anything. Instead, her hands still trembling, she fastened the carnation in the lapel of Psychosis's tailcoat, then pulled his cracked doll mask over his head. She kissed it. Ick. Of course Psychosis had a fangirl. At least it seemed one-sided. I mean, not that I cared, but...


Psychosis caught sight of me as I crawled out from the bench and unfolded my tonfa. I could almost see the malicious smile even through his mask. It was weird how his eyes didn't look anything like Simon's, even though I knew they were the same.

"Dearest," said Psychosis. "I knew you'd be here. You just can't keep yourself away from me. You know, that's something else we have in common—we're both so predictable. You, because you'll always come running whenever any poor innocent needs saving. Me? Well..."

I realized what was happening just a split second before he grabbed the knife from the evidence table.

"Wait, don't—."

I couldn't believe I'd fallen for this trick a second time.

The girl gasped, then collapsed to the floor. Blood poured from the wound in her neck, seeping into the carpet and staining it a horrible dark red. I took a step towards Psychosis, but his masked goons checked me with their guns.

"You'll pay for that one," I snarled.

"Will I? Nightwrath, my love, you've got to stop making promises you don't keep. People will think you're a tease—and what kind of reputation is that for a young lady to have?"

Fear Her Wrath II: Crucible of GlassWhere stories live. Discover now