Chapter 59

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When the sack was pulled off my head, I found myself in what looked like a little family-owned restaurant somewhere downtown. The chairs were all stacked on the tables, and the only light came from the door to the kitchen, which was slightly cracked. There were several people standing over me—mobsters, freaks, caporegimes—but one of them drew my attention more than all the others.

He was a little over average height, with dark, slightly curly hair, high cheekbones, and a sharply angular chin. Maybe it was because I knew a bit about his history, but I couldn't help but feel that he looked more like an Egyptian pharaoh than a mafia don. His suit—like his toga as Jupiter the Bloody—was a vibrant red, and expensive jewels sparkled from his rings and cufflinks. He leaned over me as if to emphasize just how much I was at his mercy.

Not that I needed any reminding.

"Do you know who I am?" he whispered.

Despite my unfavorable predicament, I decided to be defiant.

"Well, based on the loud jacket and the fact that all these freaks answer to you, I'm gonna go with Lucian Montagnese."

He smiled indulgently, showing a mouth full of yellowed teeth.

"You know, you've been a problem for me, vigilante," said Don Lucian, straightening up and beginning to walk a slow circle around me. "You put one of my best freaks in Rothko, threw Gerard Rosinski off a moving train, looted some of my most important businesses..."

"Stopped a teenaged terrorist from blowing up your criminal empire."

He paused, then granted the point with a delicate wave of his glittering fingers.

"I am not a man who holds grudges. I think you're a misguided idealist, but I've worked with worse."

"Get to the point."

"The point, vigilante, is that both you and I want this war in the Fen to end. It's already cost me my consigliere, not to mention six made men."

So Glassface had already bumped off Carmine Aurelio. That was a bit of a shock, even as someone who didn't care how many Marbrose gangsters went to sleep with the fishes. No wonder Don Lucian was desperate.

"I'm not interested in spilling any more blood if I can help it," he continued. "Blood is—."

"A big expense, I know, I've seen The Godfather. Is this the part where I kiss your ring?"

He studied me closely.

"Take care of Augusto Vaccari before sunrise. I'll tell my people to hold back until then. That gives you..."

He checked his gold watch.

"About seven hours. If you haven't found him by then..."

He threw up his hands in mock helplessness.

"If I take him down," I said, "he goes to the police, not to you."

"I wasn't aware that those were separate propositions," said Don Lucian dryly. "Nyves?"

The woman covered in black leather and pointy implements stepped forward.

"Take her to the Psychopomp and send her back to the Fen."

"Sure, boss," said Nyves. She grabbed me by the bicep and lifted me to my feet.

"There's a mole in Glassface's entourage," said Don Lucian as Nyves cut the restraints on my legs. "I've lost contact, but his instructions are to help you if he can. One more thing."

He reached forward and lifted my mask ever so slightly off my face. Just enough to see my mouth and chin. I realized with horror that I'd forgot to turn on the electric shock that was supposed to keep me from being unmasked.

Fear Her Wrath II: Crucible of GlassWhere stories live. Discover now