Chapter Three: Party

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Kenny's POV

It's been long enough... finally! Today's Friday, the day of the party!

And I still can't remember why I wanted a party. Shit. Well, I'll remember when I'm there.

I sit on my bed and try to think about it. Heh, it's never going to work. I the attention span of a squirrel and the memory of... well, I have a horrible memory, let's just say that.

I smile and look at the time. Already six. Eh, I'll be late to this. Why not? I'll wait for almost an hour and show up about five minutes late.

I know, I know, so scary, five minutes. But I'm never a minute late or early to a party. I just want to screw with their heads.

I wait patiently for the hour to pass.

About an hour later

I look at the time again. 6:57. I get off my bed and start walking down to Token's.

Coincidentally, it takes about eight minutes by foot for me to get there. Perfect timing.

When I get to the house, I check the time again. 7:05. Perfect. I knock on the door. After a second, Clyde answers the door.

"Hey Kenny! Where were you, everyone thought you skipped out on the party." He says.

I rolled my eyes. "I fell asleep, and it's only five minutes." I walk in and immediately go over to the couch. Within the first three minutes I was there, just about everyone came up to me and asked how it was possible that I was late to a party.

I wait very patiently for the short sentance that everyone hears at a party. Actually, there's a few sentances that could be said.

After just two more long minutes, I hear one of them.

"Oi, what game are we playing and who's in?! It's getting boring in here!" I hear whoops as people get up and go into the kitchen. I chuckle and get up, following them.

"Spin the bottle!! Always the first one!!"

"No, shot game!"

"Seven minutes!"

"Truth or dare!"

I smile at all the game options.

"Alright," Token walks in. "We do this the best way possible. Everyone who just spoke, come here. Now, get in a circle, sit down. alright, Craig, gimme that bottle!" Oh, I see. He sets the bottle down and spins it. It lands on Heidi. "Spin the bottle it is!" Everyone crowds around the huge table Token has. "Heidi's first!"

Heidi spins, it lands on Kevin, Kevin spins, it lands on Wendy, Wendy spins, it lands on Stan, luck of the spin, Stan spins it lands on...

Heh heh, it lands on me! First not-girl-boy spin is always the worst. For most people. Like I said, I don't care. He groans and reluctantly pecks me on the lips. I smirk as he walks away. "Ya'll are pussies!" I yell.

I spin the bottle and it lands on Bebe.

Great. I mentally roll my eyes and walk over to her. She giggles. She's going to try to take this way to far, just like she did so many times before.

"Great, might as well give them a room." I hear Stan say.

I roll my eyes and kiss Bebe like a normal human. I walk away before she can do anything.

She spins the bottle and the game continues until everyone has had a chance. I get picked a few other times and I had to kiss Bebe again.

I kind of really hate that slut. After the game, the doorbell rings. "I got it, don't start the next game without me!" I yell. I go to the door and see Butters standing at the door.

Dead Inside(Kenneth McCormick x Butters Stotch yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now