Chapter Six: I Promise

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Kenny's POV

I told him... I didn't even know for sure, but I told him... god, I'm an asshole. What if it isn't real? And he loves me? And I just leave him? That wouldn't be good...

It felt good saying that, though, and all ten things I read apply to this... I love him... I truely do, I just feel it. This boy in my arms...

I smile and start petting his hair. He moves around a bit and cuddles into my chest. "You're so damn cute." I whisper. I kiss his forehead.

I think, for now, him just laying here with me without running or resisting in anyway is fine.

I can't believe I'm saying this... and meaning it. Well, I can, but it doesn't seem like me.

What was that one sign, 'you become a better person'? That is definitely happening. I don't have any urges like usual, and I haven't really at all since I started feeling this way. Yeah, I've been pervy and dirty minded, but not really longing for sex.

It feels good. It feels right...

I hold the boy close to me and feel myself fall asleep.


I slowly open my eyes. I immediately notice something a bit off from last night: Butters isn't in my arms. Instead, somehow, he ended up laying on top of me, holding my shirt and shivering. I grin and pull the blanket up to his neck. He still shivers, so I wrap my arms around him. It still doesn't work.

Finally, I take a mental picture of this scene and slowly get him off. He lays beside me and I hold him close to me, again. The shivering slows to a stop and I smile again. I never want this to end.

I suddenly feel him shift around a bit. "Kenny?" I hear him ask.

"Morning Butters." I say.

"G-good morning..." He says quietly, cuddling in closer to me. "It's c-cold..." I chuckle a little and hold him closer. I kiss his forehead. "What's, uh... what's today?" He asks.

"Sunday, I think." I respond.

He tries to get up, but I hold him down.

"We-we have to go to church! We have to, I, uh, I don't wa-wanna go to hell!" He tells me. I chuckle a bit.

"You still believe that? Besides, hell ain't that bad. Satan doesn't actually bring despair on the people who go to hell." I say.

He looks up at me. "H-how would you kn-know?" He asks, quite confused.

I roll my eyes. "I die all the time, but no one remembers, and I come back to life. Didn't I tell you this?" I explain. He nods.

"Y-you were drunk, though, so I didn't kn-know it was true." He says.

Everything goes quiet for a few moments.

"We're all going to hell, our religion is wrong. I know the right one." I say.

"Wh-which one?" He asks.

I smile. "I can't tell. I swore not to, swore on everything I love." I say. "And I'm not willing to loose you."

I look at him. The bit I see of his face is red. I chuckle a little.

"Wh-what are you laughing at?" He asks, looking up at me.

"Nothin'." I kiss his forehead. I feel him get closer to my chest and I start petting his hair. "You're so cute." I whisper.

Everything goes silent again.

After a bit, I feel my stomache growl. Uuhhhgggg there's no food in this house...

Wait! I have the money in my jar!

"Hey, are you hungry? I think I have money to go out." I say. Butters tences up at that last part.

No, take it back! Take back that last part! Damn it, it's too late! He's not gonna come now!

"Y-yeah..." He says. I mentally sigh in relief. Good, he'll come.

"Well, let's go." I say, slowly letting go of him. We get up. Butters shivers as he grabs his clothes. Then, he just stops.

"C-can you, um..." What? I don't get it. "Can you turn, uh, turn around? Please?" He asks. Oohhh yeah, he's really modest... I close the door and look away from him. "Thank you..." He starts getting dressed.

Damn... I hate modesty right now... I actually hate modesty in general.

Wait... he wasn't modest when we were younger... he wasn't modest in middle school, and I only know this is because he willingly got dressed and undressed in gym...

I slightly turn my head to look at him. He's already changed his pants, and he starts taking off his shirt as quickly as possible to change into another one. I widen my eyes at what I see.

His back has five scars and two cuts.

What the fuck?? Who did this??

I basically jump up and rush over to him. I put my hand on his shoulder. He jumps and looks at me.

"Kenny! I-I told you to turn a-around!" He yells. I stare at him, trying to figure out what to say.

"Who did this to you?" I ask. He looks away from me. "Butters?" I say. He doesn't look back at me. "Who hurt you?" I ask quietly. I here him sniffle and I watch a tear hit the floor.

Someone hurt my baby... someone's gonna die.

We stand there for a minute. He evetually speaks.

"I-I can't tell you... he'll come a-after me again..." He whispers. I look to the side. On the bed, I see his shirt and jacket. I slowly let go of him and grab the shirt. I go back over to him.

"Arms up." He looks at me. His noes, cheeks, and around his eyes are red and tears stain his face. He lifts his arms up and I put his shirt on him. I grab his jacket and also put that on him.

I smile a little. "I promise, I won't let anyone hurt you ever again." I promise him. He just stares at me.

"P-pinky swear?" He holds out his pinky like a third grader.

I chuckle a little and do the same. "Pinky swear."


Dead Inside(Kenneth McCormick x Butters Stotch yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now