Chapter Five: This is Your Home, Too

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Butters' POV

I step into the small house behind Kenny. He leads me through and up to his room. I look around at the semi-familier room. I haven't been in here since sometime around sixth grade. I look around to re-memorize the setting.

"You can take the bed. There's no guest room or anything, and I'm used to falling asleep on the floor." He says.

I hesitate before speaking. "N-no, this is your house, and your room! I can't take y-your bed!" I argue.

He smiles slightly. "This is your home too, now. This is also your room now, and I am making that bed yours, too." He replies.

Oh, sweet baby Jesus! What am I supposed to say? I can't take his bed!

I keep my mouth shut on the matter, even though I try to speak. Even if I did, there's no way out of this.

I can't convince anyone to do anything for me, but everyone always makes me do things... that's not fair...

I look all around again and I remember something important.

"Oh!! K-Kenny? I have a bag with, uh, with some stuff of mine in it, and I need to go get it." I say.

"Ok. Be back soon. I have a few things to do here." He says.

He won't come with? What does he need to do? I could help! I-

But my bag! I have important things in it! I nod and make my way out of the house and down the streets. After a few blocks, I reach the place I hid the bag and start heading to Kenny's house. Or... or technically, it is mine, too, now...

I get there and make my way up the stairs. I get into Kenny's room and notice something- it feels a bit more empty.

The bed is still there, as is the nightstand next to it and the dresser thing on the other side of the room, but something feels empty. Nothing is missing... that's weird...

I look over at the closet and see Kenny stuffing something into it. He looks at me and slightly grins.

"Just... puttin' a few this away." He explains. I just shrug and put my bag to the side. "What's in the bag?" He asks me.

"N-nothing much. Just a few things important to me." I say. He just shrugs and continues what he was doing. I mentally sigh.

He can't know what's in here. There's a better chance he will know since we share a room now, but the only way he'd find out is by looking over my shoulder. I have a lock to keep everything safe.

I sit on the bed and wait for Kenny to finish what he's doing. He's eventually done and he looks at me. I just show him a little smile.

"You need a tour of the house real quick?" He asks me. I nod. "Follow me." He walks to the door and I follow him. "To the left is Karen's room, the right Kevin's, and that's the closet." He points at doors as we walk by. We go down the stairs and he continues. "Living room, dining room slash kitchen, bathroom, and mom and dad's room. I strongly advise to never go in there." He explains the first floor of the house to me. "Last, but not least-" He pulls me over to a door and opens it. "The basement." I look down. It's so dark... "There's nothing much down there, but I only know what I'm told." He says before quickly closing the door. We go back upstairs. "The only rooms you really need to pay any mind to is this one and the bathroom." He finishes his mini-tour.

I just nod. Ok, don't go into the parent's room, avoide the basement, and only truely care about the bathroom and this room.

I sit on the bed. He walks over to me.

Dead Inside(Kenneth McCormick x Butters Stotch yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now