Chapter Four: Explain!

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Butters' POV

I slowly open my eyes.

Where am I? This isn't my room! I let everything adjust as I realize that I'm still in Token's house. That's right... there was a party. And it was my first one... my first drink, my first Shot Game, and the first time that I watched someone get drunk.

I try to get up, but I can't move, almost at all. After a few seconds of analyzing what's going on, I find that I'm in the arms of none other than Kenny McCormick.

I freak out and try to escape, but he just holds on tighter.

Last night, he needed someone to comfort him and someone to talk to. I fell asleep with him holding my arm, so when did this happen??

Oh... mom and dad would kill me if they-

Oh yeah... they can't do anything... I'm not going home. Never again...

What do I do right now? I need to get out of here... how?

There's no way I can. Every time I move, he just holds me closer. I'm just going to have to stay here until he wakes up. That won't be so bad. It's not too uncomfortable. It's just... weird.

I wait for a while. Suddenly, the door opens. I shut my eyes.

"Woah, dude!! Get a load of this shit!" Someone says. I hear a few sets of footsteps walk in.

"That's McCormick and Stotch! With all their clothes on!"

"Kenny didn't do anything??"

"Obviously not, he wouldn't have any clothes on."

"Does this mean... holy shit dude!!"

"Guys, come in here!! Rarest sight of all time!"

More footsteps stampead in.

"Kenny slept with Butters??!??"

"Technically. They slept, doesn't look like anything more."

"Oh my god!"

"Well, we all knew Butters was a fag and Kinnee is sort of a fag, but even I'm shocked at this."

"Even Cartman is shocked... I applaud thee."

"Wait, does this mean that they're woth each other?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Kenny was drunk as fuck, but even when he is, this never happens."

"We'll just have to wait till they wake up."

There's silence for a moment. It doesn't last long.

Everyone in the room basically screams at the same exact time for us to wake up. I cringe and I hear Kenny groan.

"Shuddup, I'm tryin' to sleep!" He says.

"Kenny, you're in bed with someone and you didn't have sex with them."

I keep my eyes shut. I feel Kenny quickly but gentally pull away from me and sit up.

"Wha... what the fuck?!?!" He asks.

"We were wondering the same thing."

I feel something shake me. "Butters, wake up. Butters." I slowly open my eyes and look around. Everyone stares at me.

"H-hey fellas, what's going on?" I ask. Someone points at Kenny.

Ok, Butters, react to this so they don't know that you know anything about it.

I look at Kenny and pretend to just notice that I'm in the same bed at him. I gasp while saying "What the-" but I fall off of the bed.

Now that... that was unintentionl.

Dead Inside(Kenneth McCormick x Butters Stotch yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now