Chapter Nine: One Last Night

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Butters' POV

I finish putting my shirt, pants, gloves on. I look in the mirror. This is the last night I'll get to see Kenny... but his parents were nice enough to let him stay until Halloween.

He and I decided on this fireman/dalmatian costume thing. Mine is a tee shirt, gloves with palms like dog paws, pants with a dalmatian tail, and ears like a dalmatian. All items are white with black spots everywhere.

I put on my ears and start painting my face to look like a dalmatian. When I'm finished, I walk out of the bathroom and into the room. I see Kenny in the middle of the room putting the hat on and turning around to me. He smiles.

"You're a cute lil' puppy." I smile and feel myself blush. He probably won't see it, I have paint all over my face.

He walks over to me. He has fireman pants, boots, and a hat, with suspenders and an undone fireman's jacket.

I smile at him. He pets my hair. I see his face try to look happy, but I see the sadness behind the mask.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." His voice cracks as he speaks. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Don't worry... I'll be... I'll be there if you need me, I promise." He hugs me back. I hear him sniffle.

"I don't want to leave you. At all." He says. "But, I swear, I will still come see you. You call, I'll come."

I feel tears come to my eyes.

"I love you, my sweet puppy." He says.

I smile and sniffle. "I love you too, master." He chuckles.

"Better watch when you say that around me... I will admit, I don't think I could hold back if you said that almost any other time." He quietly confesses.

I blush.

We pull away. He looks at me, smiling sadly. He leans down and kisses me for about ten seconds with me kissing back.

After a few minor adjustments to the costumes, we leave the house to simply wonder around the town.

We walk, hand and hand, all around. Tons of ghouls, ghosts, and ghastly 'creatures' pass us with bags filled with candy. Cowboys, astronauts, ninjas, anime characters, and couples roam the town, searching the houses ready to be wiped clean of all of the candy they have. We eventually walk past Craig and Tweek, who are dressed as zombies.

Tweek and I wave to each other, but Kenny and Craig ignore each other. I just ignore their reactions, or... lack there of.

Kenny and I continue walking through the whole town. At one point, some little girl said we were cute and gave us a lolly pop each.

We finally stop at a park and sit down on one of the benches. I lean my head on his shoulder and he kisses the top of my head. He puts his arm around my shoulder and we just sit there for a while.

After a while, I speak. "I love you, Kenny." I say.

He rests his head on mine. "I love you too..." He replies.

I check the time on my phone. "We should probably head home." I say.

After a second, we stand and walk back home.

When we get there, no one is home.

"Mom? Dad? Karen? Kevin?" Kenny calls out. I look at the table and see a note.

"Kenny-" I say, bringing him to the note.

He picks it up and reads it. "'Karen and Kevin went trick-or-treating, your mother and I went to the bar.' We're home alone." He says.

In about ten seconds, he picks me up, carries me upstairs, and puts me on the mat we've uses for a bed since it was packed up. He gets on top of me and just looks at me. I feel my heart rate increase and my face basically turn bright red. He softly smiles.

But it turns perverted in a quick second.

~*~ Ha ha ha, nope!

I lay down, panting and smiling. Kenny slowly lays down next to me and looks me in the eyes. He grins and pets my hair.

"That wasn't... too bad... now... was it?" He asks between breaths.

I chuckle a bit. "I... love you... Kenny..." I say. He cones closer and pulls me to him. He kisses me.

"I love you... too..." He says, closing his eyes to sleep. I stay awake.

I'm tired, but I won't sleep. I'll spend the last few hours I have with him awake and in his arms. I don't want him to leave... I don't want him to go away... I want him to stay with me...

I snuggle myself into his bare chest to keep warm. I shiver a bit, and he notices. He pulls up the blanket and covers us up. I feel myself smile a bit more.

"Go to sleep, please? I know you don't want to." I hear him say.

He knew? "You have to prmise you will too." I say.

"Promise." I close my eyes.

"Goodnight, Kenny." I whisper.

"Goodnight baby."

I feel myself fall asleep for the last time in Kenny's arms.


I open my eyes, feeling quite cold. I feel aroubd for Kenny to keep me warm, but I don't feel anything. I sit up and look all around. The room itself is empty. There's no one and nothing around except for me, a blanket, my bag, and a piece of folded paper.

I pick up the paper and unfold it. I immediately recognize Kenny's sloppy cursive on the page.

I love you so much, my baby. Don't forget that, ok? I had to go before you woke up, and you were too cute to wake up. Plus, you looked too tired. You looked like you needed sleep. I couldn't bring myself to wake you up and let you see me cry again. It would've hurt you, which would've hurt me. I will always love you, and I will miss you every second I breath. I'm always here if you need me. ♡
With all of me and all my love

I start loosing my breath and feeling my eyes get teared up. I look back down at the bottom of the paper.

PS, get out of the house through the window. Everything else is locked. Also, keep a hold of the blanket for me~♡

I take a deep breath in to stop crying and get up to get dressed.

After I'm ready, I put the note in my pocket and the bag over my shoulder. I put the blanket on my back and climb out of the house through the window. I start away from it and look back for one final look.

I turn back and start walking to find someplace new to stay.


Dead Inside(Kenneth McCormick x Butters Stotch yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now