Chapter Eleven: Get Them Away!!

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Butters' POV

I smile at Kenny. He looks at me sweetly, with a hint of relief in his eyes.

Suddenly, I hear voices down the hall.

"What do you mean by that? My son ran away to be with a boy?? Is that what you're telling me??"

I hear my dad's voice boom through the halls. My eyes widen and I feel my breathing get heavier. Kenny looks at me with worry.

"Yes, Mr. Stotch, I'm afraid so. Then, that 'boy' leaves and he tried to kill himself! I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen!" That's Cartman's voice!!

I whimper and try to sit up to get away.

"No, no i-i-it's dad! And Eric! Oh s-sweet baby Jesus! No, k-keep them away!" I whisper-yell to Kenny.

He grabs my hand and turn to the door to protect me.

"What room number did they say? 109?"

Theie footsteps get closer. "Ah, here it is!"

The two walk in. Eric has that same evil look on his face and my dad is furious.

"Leopold Stotch!" I whimper and try to hide my face behind Kenny. "You! Step away from my son!" He yells at Kenny.

"Kinnee, what the fuck are you doing here? You moved." Eric says. Kenny growls.

"I came back, and I'm not moving from this spot until he does." He says.

"Butters, you are in so much trouble when we get home!" I whimper more.

"I'm not c-coming home w-with you!" I yell as loud as I can. It actually wasn't that loud. Eric walks over to the bed. "G-get away from me!! B-b-both of you!" I yell at dad and Eric. Eirc chuckles.

"Butters, I'm just here to wish you a quick recovery." He says innocently.

"Get out! Y-you hurt me!! You a-and dad!! Y-y-you both hurt me!!" I say a bit louder. Kenny tightens his hold on my hand.

"Butters!" Dad yells.

"Nurse! N-nurse!" I yell out of the room. A nurse comes in a few seconds later.

"Yes? Are you okay?"

I shake my head. "G-get those two out, please!" I say, pointing at Cartman and dad. She walks over to both.

"You'll have to leave." She says to them. Cartman chuckles as he walks out and my dad growls.

"P-please don't let either of them come back." I say quietly. The nurse smiles.

"What are their names?"

"Eric Cartman a-and Richard Stotch." I say. She nods and walks out of the room. I relax myself and look at Kenny. He turns around and looks at me. He switches the hands he holds my head with and kisses mine. "I d-don't want to see them ever a-again." I say.

He sighs. "I won't let anything happen to you ever again. I promise." He tells me.

He's promised me a lot since the night this all started. He hasn't broken a single one of them yet.

I smile. "Th-thank you Kenny."

~*~A week or so later

I walk out of the hospital, holding Kenny's hand. We go down the street and behind the elementary school. I walk over to the slide and pull my bag out of it. I walk back over to Kenny. I grab his hand again and we walk away.

"Why can't we stay there, again?" He asks me as we walk.

"Eric knows that I stayed there. He'll check there." I respond. Knowing Eric, though, it won't be that easy to get away from him.

We silently walk down the road. We pass the train tracks and Kenny's old house and just keep walking. Eventually, we reach an old shack. The for sale sign on it is faded and fallen over and it looks completly abandoned. I look at Kenny.

"You sure we should?" He nods.

"They won't find us in here." He looks at me and smiles. He leans down and kisses me. "We'll be safe in here until we have our own place." I smile too. I wrap my arms around him.

We'll be safe here. This is ours until we find a real place. Even if it's creepy, old, abandoned, dirty, and possibly haunted...

It's perfect.


Dead Inside(Kenneth McCormick x Butters Stotch yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now