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The red eyed Omega felt the hand of the black eyed Alpha, the latter's hands were quite hard and with long fingers, the younger one's were just a bit smaller, the boy thought that there was going to be a lot of difference between his hand and the bassist's but incredibly it wasn't, as stupid as it sounds he felt proud of his hand at that moment.

Marion who was still talking rubbish looked at Tom and Tord out of the corner of her eye, seeing how they were both calm, holding hands but with red cheeks, "Don't fuck me they're adorable" thought the girl.

— Thomas Ragdwell! -.The girl spoke loudly but without looking at him so that he could release his grip on Tord, and so he did.-.I'm banishing you from the apartment tonight!-. She observed him pointing her finger at him.

— What's the matter with you, what are you planning now?-. The bass player looked at her suspiciously.

The guitarist's smile widened from ear to ear, she crossed her legs, leaned her elbow on one of her legs and left her chin resting on her hand looking directly at Thomas and then looked at Tord who, as soon as he felt the Alpha's gaze, trembled a little.

— Tord...could you give him a place to stay just for the night?-. The girl smiled sweetly as she pointed her thumb at Tom.

— Uh...I...-. Tord's face was a poem, his eyes wide as saucers and the blood rushed to his face instantly.

- Marion, Tord sleeps in the campus residences.-. Tom said, he understood his friend's plan, "the damn figured it out, she knew! "

— So?, do they have any rules for that?-. Said the girl without taking her smile off her face.

— No, but... you can be bothe...

— It doesn't bother me, you can stay with me Tom.-. Said the horned one quickly with still a blush on his cheeks.

Everyone in the room stared at Tord, they couldn't help but smile at this.

— Hey, don't feel pressured by this witch, there's no need to do that.-. Said an alarmed Thomas who was also red in the face.

— You were going to go for the cream anyway, weren't you?, b-besides we can watch movies and I don't know, maybe play something...-. The younger boy began to play with his hands nervously.

Thomas looked at him, "God how pretty he looks" he thought, he quickly observed Marion who made some gestures with her hand that said "If you don't get closer to him I'll fucking kill you hehe", these gestures had been invented by the two of them when they were five years old, when they realised that their parents already had plans for them, so that they could talk to each other without the adults knowing what they were talking about.

He responded with the same gestures, "Do you know how much I hate you?" he looked at her with annoyance.

"I know and that's why I like to make you "suffer"", replied the girl.

Tord looked at Matt and Paul and implied that he needed an explanation of what the other two were doing.

— It's a language they invented and they never wanted to teach it to us, so we can't translate it either.-. Said Paul amused by Pat, Edd and Tord's faces.

— I tried several times to get Tom to teach it to me but he only taught me how to say hello and goodbye, it was super stupid haha.-. Matt laughed remembering all the times he tried to get Tom to teach him.

— Well I guess they had and have their reasons for not explaining it.-. Said Patryck amused while he saw how the two named gestured with "force" implying that they were arguing.

Tord watched them attentively, for a moment he thought they were going to fight hard, but when he saw that they had smiles on their faces, he relaxed, but something bothered him, the commitment of those two?, no, it was not that, it was clear that both did not want to do it, the closeness?, yes, his wolf wanted to have all that with Tom too, envy, if that's exactly the word for what Tord was feeling right now, he didn't like feeling like that, it was the first time he had ever craved someone's closeness so much, it never happened to him with his exes. He tried to calm down, Marion, she had forced the situation a bit so that the bassist and he could be closer, he should be thankful before he was like a fool envying the closeness that both Alphas had.

— Ok, so it's decided that you'll stay with me, right?-. Tord said confidently looking at the Alphas.

— Of course he will stay with you my love.-. The Alpha gave a sweet look to the Omega.

— Yes, all right, I-I'll stay with you for today...-. The bassist scratched his head looking away nervously and embarrassed.

The other four who were there looked at each other and started to tease them.

— Use a condom, I don't want to be an uncle yet!-. Edd said laughing.

— And be careful that no one hears that the walls are made of paper, haha.-. Commented Pat.

— Tom, the boy has to walk tomorrow so be careful.-. Said Matt observing how both of them couldn't be redder.

— Tord, be patient with our friend who is clumsy and a virgin.-. Said Paul unscrupulously.

— Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, god you fucked up with that last one.-. Laughed Marion.

Tom stood up but his aura wasn't embarrassed or amused, on the contrary he was really annoyed, he didn't mind being annoyed for the others but he could feel how Tord was starting to feel quite uncomfortable.

—Stop it!-. He said in his voice, he didn't mean to but it was instinctive.

Everyone in the group, except for Marion who just looked at him, complied with the Alpha's order. Tord remembered what had happened at the amusement park, Thomas' presence was exaggeratedly strong.

Marion who got up to stand in front of the other Alpha Major who was still angry.

— You know that Tord can stand up for himself and that if something makes him uncomfortable he can say so?-. The girl looked at Tom and her aura suddenly became very strong, matching Thomas.-. Get off your high horse and don't even think about using your voice with the boys again, do you hear me?-. She said this last in a louder and more demanding voice but without using his special voice.

The bassist sighed, Marion was right.

— I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, it just annoyed me.-. He looked at the boys.

The girl calmed down too, she didn't want to talk that way to her best friend, but she knew that in spite of everything his wolf was a Major Alpha and in those situations it was quicker to get on the same level.

The rest also gave their apologies and to avoid tension Tord began to talk about an anecdote that happened to him last weekend at home, thus relaxing the atmosphere. A few minutes passed, the party was winding down, so the guys decided to leave the place.


Uis again...

So much love to all of you <3

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