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Thomas became exaggeratedly nervous, he began to breathe rapidly, Marion was going to calm him down but he saw how the younger one approached him and gave him a handshake, smiling at him, the girl took a step away from Tom to let Tord take care of his friend.

— Don't worry, my mum is very kind.

The black-eyed Tom nodded and began to regulate his breathing, calming himself in the process. Tord let go of her hand and continued walking, the other two mimicked his action and reached the small table where the woman was waiting for them.

Katherine looked up and saw her son with two Alphas behind him, the woman got up from her chair and hugged her little boy lovingly.

— My boy, how are you?-. She smiled maternally.

— Mummy! Don't be sweet.-. Tord blushed, feeling ashamed that Tom could see how his mother was treating him.-. I'm fine.

Tord gently released his grip and introduced the people behind him.

— Mum, this is Thomas and Marion.

The woman stared at them, walked over and pointed at the bass player.

— Ragdwell, isn't it?

— Unfortunately, yes.-. He smiled tiredly.

— Precious, what's your surname?.-. Now the older woman turned to Marion.

— Rogers.-. Smiled the girl.

The woman smiled from ear to ear and invited them to sit with her.

— Well, the truth is that your presence suits me like a glove, but before we get to the point, how did you meet my son?-. Smiled simply the one with the horns, because yes, Katherine had hair horns just like her son, but these were smaller.

— Tom is a friend of some friends of mine, I met him a week ago and Marion is Tom's best friend hehe.-. Her son answered a bit nervously, he could see how his mother was analysing everything.

— Oh, I see.-. Smiled the woman.

—Um... Excuse me for wanting to get to the point immediately, but we need your help and I think you need ours.-. Interrupted Marion.

The older woman took some of the coffee that had been brought to her and looked at the girl who had spoken to her and then looked at her friend.

— What do you want me to help you with?-. She smiled, she didn't really mind if they got to the point, it was obvious that both boys were a bit urgent, she would ask her son later what were those looks they were giving each other with the bass player, because yes, those two were giving each other sneaky and quick glances all this time.

Marion looked at Tom, who nodded and then looked at Tord's mother and began to explain the problem they had, the bass player took out of his backpack the papers that had been brought to him, Katherine took them and began to read them, when she finished she left the papers on the table, and then looked at the boys.

— This is illegal... In fact, recently they created a law to avoid forced marriages, now, in that law there are some loopholes, which say that if there is a contract from before this law was enacted, the interested people, who are your parents, can refute the new law, because if you signed before a notary before... Well, it gets complicated.-. She said seriously.

- But the last time we did it we were under age, we were 15 years old,....-. Said Marion.

— Very well, as the legal age of consent is 16, and now that you are of legal age, you can invoke the new law, only if you really didn't sign anything after 15, if so, we can opt for a trial...-. Smiled Katherine.

— We could sue them for arranged marriage and also for damages for threats, couldn't we?-. Tom spoke this time.

- Well, yes... We could raise the claim... What were your parents like in your childhood?

The two involved looked at each other, and sighed.

— They were horrible, but we have no way to prove anything, because we were never abused in any way and we had everything in the material sense, good education, we always had someone to take care of us... But if you think of something like parental love, almost null, if it wasn't for Marion's mother that when her husband and my parents weren't around, she could be the loving mother she really was...-. The black-eyed one saddened.

— My mother is a classic Omega, that the Alpha was in charge and she only obeyed, so that's why she was a bit relieved of that pressure when neither of them were around...-. The girl sighed pitifully.

Tord looked at the boys and was very sad to hear that, he had been lucky enough to be in a very warm and fair family, he looked up and met his mother's eyes who with a small smile gave him to understand that everything was going to be fine, that she was in charge.

— Well, we can't do anything about it, but if you want I can put a restraining order on your parents, because of the threats they have made.-. Said the woman confidently.

- That would be ideal haha...By the way, how can we help you?-. Tom said looking at Katherine.

— I want you to tell me everything you have seen regarding your parents' treatment of their workers and if you have proof give it to me, and if you can be my witnesses, don't worry, I will put you as protected witnesses.

The two best friends looked at each other and gladly accepted, their parents could no longer manage their children's lives as they wished, they had to pay at least a little and Tord's mother gave them the security they needed.


New Chapter c:

A big hug to you C:

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