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The night had already passed and Thomas was walking out the front door of his flat towards the University, his friends from the band told him that they were going to see him after school today.

— I want to see Tord... Maybe I can talk to him before those fools arrive...-. He said to himself as he finished walking down the stairs.

His legs moved by inertia down the street, the boy was quite sleepy." I'll get some sleep in class," he thought, and then he saw a family of an Alpha male with an Omega male and a little girl of about five years old in the middle of the two holding her parents' hands. The little girl was bouncing up and down laughing as her parents laughed with her. Thomas watched them and for a second his mind flashed back to him and Tord looking older, he shook his head in denial trying to dilute the image, he gave a slightly tired nasal chuckle.

— It's only been a week .... One bloody week...-. He said to himself.

The morning wind hit his face clearing it, he inhaled and exhaled the cold air sharply and concentrated on simply walking until he reached the Institution.

His body went to the music department, he entered the classroom and saw several of his classmates talking to each other, he sat down where he always used to do it, at that moment a girl approached him sitting on the chair next to him, the girl began to expel her pheromones to get the attention of the bass player, smell of honey, the boy looked at her holding his nose gently and saw that the girl looked back at him.

— Hi, I'm Tania, we haven't spoken before.-. The girl introduced herself confidently, she was an Omega.

— Well no, I'm Thomas.-. He said a little dryly, he didn't want to be disrespectful to the girl but his intentions were obvious.

— Ever since I saw you at the beginning of the year, I thought to myself, why doesn't that cute boy talk to anyone, so today I decided to approach you and find out.-. She smiled flirtatiously.

— Because I'm not really interested in talking to anyone, there's no one here who catches my attention in the slightest, I hope that answers your question...-. Said the black-eyed man simply.

Tania looked at him and started to smile a big smile.

— Maybe I can change that.

— I doubt it.-. The boy answered quickly.

The girl puffed out her cheeks a little in protest but then she calmed down and with this action her pheromones started to disappear.

— We won't know if I don't try, so you'll have to put up with me for a while hehe.-. The girl smiled simply.

— As you wish, as long as you're not being clingy and disrespectful...-. He answered, looking away from the blackboard.

The teacher had arrived in the room, the girl smiled and also looked away to pay attention to the class.

On the other hand, Tord was in one of his classes, they had been given the pieces to assemble a robotic arm, the only thing they had to do was to make the arm move sideways.

And there was the one with the horns trying to make sure that no screw was lost, he began to assemble it following the instructions religiously, until he managed to assemble it securely, now the problem was to make it move. He connected it to the tablet he had been given with the software he had to install on the machinery, he installed it and now it was the final test, give him the commands to make it move; at first it didn't work, apparently he had written one of the commands wrong, he tried again and the arm moved in a clumsy way but he did it.

— Yes!-. He celebrated to himself.

Mark, who had also succeeded, approached Tord.

— That wasn't so hard, was it?-. He smiled at the red-eyed man.

— Not really, but you have to be careful with the commands, at first it didn't work because I put the nomenclatures wrong.-. The one with horns smiled at his friend.

— Yes, the same thing happened to me because of a single number, haha.

Tord laughed too and the teacher told the class to go to their places because he had to explain something for a work that he was going to send them to do but the delivery was in another month so they had time to do it calmly.

On the other hand there was Edd in front of a computer and a graphics tablet trying to make a character run and jump over an obstacle in perspective, all he wanted to do was get his hair out of his head because he was so stressed.

— I swear to God, if I don't get it, I'll throw myself off a bridge...-.

At that moment the door opened and someone sat down next to the Beta, Edd looked next to him and saw Pat laughing at the look on the green-eyed man's face.

— Don't laugh! What are you doing here?-. The animator looked at him with a face of few friends.

— I came to see you, I have a one hour window and I saw your teacher outside so I came in hahaha... What are you doing?-. Smiled the one with amber eyes.

— This shit.

He played the scene on the program and Patryck watched it.

— It looks good to me... What's the problem?

— These two legs... How do I put them in perspective without it looking ugly... AGH.-. Edd complained.

— If you want me to pose and take a picture of me, it doesn't look so uncomfortable and I'll stand on a chair.-. Smiled Pat simply.

— Oh God, I love you, let's move this chair.

And so Patryck stood on top of the chair while reflecting one of his legs up, Edd quickly squatted down to take the picture from the perspective and then the amber-eyed Beta changed the pose and Edd took the other picture.

— Thank you.-. The pigtailed one hugged his friend.

— Next time don't yell at me when I come to see you, I can be useful to you haha.-. He hugged him back.

Both boys laughed, Edd apologised to Pat and just as the teacher entered, the intrusive Beta said goodbye to the other and left, leaving a green-eyed boy working.


To much love to all of you <3

Revolution- TomTord (English)Where stories live. Discover now