61 | Baby's First Christmas ~ Chord

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"Look at my little reindeer," You said, admiring Dakota's festive onesie Chord's mum had brought. You tickled his tummy, making him laugh and wiggle in your lap "How about this baby?" Chord asked, putting the last piece of the Christmas tree together. You looked up from your sat on the floor and smiled "It's perfect C" You replied, wrapping your arm around Dakota to keep him on your lap. You and Chord had decided on a fake tree this year; you didn't want Dakota to accidentally eat any tree bristles that fell onto the floor. As Dakota was ten months old, he was starting to stand up on his own. Chord worried that he would want to play with the tree, so he put it on the coffee table, out of his reach "Shall we decorate it?" Chord asked, sliding a box of ornaments closer to you. You picked up a red ball and held it up for Chord. Dakota reached out for it, winning as it got further away from him. He wiggled in your lap and pouted as Chord took the ball and put it on the tree "Do you want to help Dakota?" Chord asked, holding out his arms, which his son happily went to. Chord put the little boy on his hip and he looked at the tree in awe "Here you go D" Chord said,  showing him another red ball. He smiled and grabbed it in his cubby little hands. Chord kissed Dakota's head and looked over at you; his smile as wide as yours.

ChordOverstreet & FlorenceTapia

ChordOverstreet|Christmas shenanigans! I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas 🎄🎁❤️ @FlorenceTapia

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Christmas shenanigans! I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas 🎄🎁❤️ @FlorenceTapia

"Deck The Halls"
I gently rubbed my little boy's back as he lay on my chest. He started to fuss and pushed himself up "Come here" I cooed, leaning back against the couch and holding him up so he was standing on my stomach "Merry Christmas Dakota," I said, kissing his tiny hand. He smiled and reached his hands out, trying to grab my face "Fa la" He babbled, trying to tell me a story. He didn't know any words yet, only sounds, but I could tell he was going to be talkative little hot when he found his voice "Are you singing baby?" I smiled, making him giggle "Deck the halls with bells of Holly" I started singing the popular Christmas song "Fa, la la la la" I continued. Dakota opened her little mouth and copied me "la la" I smiled widely at my handsome son "Perfect D, we'll have to sing to mummy later" I said proudly.

"Think we have a little chef on our hands" Chord chuckled, with Dakota on his lap. He lightly brushed the flour off Dakota's cheek, making the little boy giggle. You stood in the kitchen at the counter, watching your two boys on the other side "Shall we put these in the oven and do some more?" You asked. You picked up the tray and slid it into the preheated oven. You loved baking at Christmas time; and although Dakota was too young to understand, Chord wanted him to help. You reached over the counter and fixed the chef hat on his head "You look adorable in the hat D. Mummy's little helper" You cooed, watching his eyes light up at hearing his name "How about some trees?" You asked, holding up a tree cookie cutter. Chord copied you and rolled out some dough in front of him and Dakota "A star. Like the one on top of our tree," He said to the little boy. While you and Chord were both busy, Dakota held the rolling pin in his little hands. As he gripped the end, he put his mouth on it "Oh Dakota no, that's yucky" You stuck your tongue out and shook your head. He let go and giggled at your funny face. Chord looked up at you, not knowing what to do "He's teething C. He wants to chew on everything" You explained "Here you go Dakota, this is better" You said, handing him a cooked cookie. He happily sucked and chewed on it. Chord kissed Dakota's head and tightened his grip on his son "Is that yummy Dakota?" You cooed "The Overstreets makes good cookies, don't we"

"Present time," Harmony said happily.
Chord's siblings and parents walked to the living room. You held Dakota on your hip, smiling at how excited everyone was for your little boy's first Christmas "Did you buy enough for him Chord" Nash joked to his brother "Half of them are from you and mum actually" He teased back. As everyone gathered around the room, you sat Dakota on the floor in front of the tree. You sat behind him with Chord beside you "Merry Christmas Dakota" Chord said, sliding a present to the happy little boy. He looked at Chord with wide eyes and a big smile "Go on buddy, it's for you" He encouraged, ripping a little bit of the paper and showing Dakota what to do. He giggled and copied Chord, ripping the paper "Go Dakota" Charity smiled, onto the floor closer to her nephew "That's it" She clapped her hands praising him. Dakota giggled and started clapping his little hands together. The living room filled with laughter as the ten-month-old clapped along with Charity. You smiled and rested your head on Chord's shoulder. Dakota had recently learned to clap and loved doing it. Chord wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling your closer to him. Charity moved closer to Dakota and helped him open the present. Dakota's face lit up as she pulled the hammer toy out of the box. She handed him the small hammer and he hit the buttons. He smiled at the noises and lights he made "Thanks Charity, now he will be playing with that all the time" Chord joked, smiling at his happy little boy.

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