62 | Baby's First Christmas ~ Grant

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"Come on, let's get you both inside where it's warmer," Grant said, holding a baby carrier with a two-month-old Juniper sleeping peacefully. You slowly made your way up the stairs and unlocked the door. As you walked inside, you froze and dropped your bag; Christmas decorations covered the living room. Grant stopped behind you, surprised too. He saw a note on the dining table and placed the baby carrier on the floor beside you and went to get it. He smiled as he read it "My mum and your mum did this" He chuckled "They said, 'We didn't want you coming home and having to worry about decorating or getting a Christmas tree. Call us when you're up for visitors'" You smiled at how thoughtful they were. Grant send both mums a text saying thank you and that he would call soon. You gently picked Juniper up out of her carrier and cradled her against your chest. You walked further inside and slowly sat down on the couch. Grant followed you and turned on the Christmas tree lights, before sitting beside you on the couch "It's perfect Grant" You said. He kissed your temple and looked down at his little girl. With the lights on behind you both, you looked beautiful. He smiled and realized it was his daughter's first Christmas "First of many" He whispered to himself.

GrantGustin & TessaRomero

GrantGustin|First Christmas as a family, her first Christmas ever ✨❤️ @TessaRomero

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First Christmas as a family, her first Christmas ever ✨❤️ @TessaRomero

"All I Want For Christmas Is You"
I gently picked up my crying daughter out of her bassinet and cradled her in my arms. "Hey sweet pea" I whispered "What's got my girl all upset?" I cooed, as she snuggled into my chest, her cries softening "Shh it's ok, daddy is here Juniper" I said "Shall we have a little cuddle?" I walked around the nursery and sat in the rocking chair. I smiled as she looked up at me with her big brown eyes "I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need" I sang, rubbing her stomach softly. My little girl wiggled and reached out for my fingers. I started playing with her little hands and thought about how lucky and happy I was. A daughter was everything I wanted and she was here just in time for Christmas. I smiled as Juniper closed her eyes and fell back to sleep in my arms "All I want for Christmas is you" I whispered.

"You can go, first love," Grant said, looking at you sitting beside him on the floor. It was Christmas Eve and one of your and Grant's Christmas traditions was to open one present each on Christmas Eve. You smiled at him as he cradled the two-month-old little girl close to his chest. You reached out under the tree and picked up a present "To mummy and Juni, Love daddy" You read the tag attached, making Grant smile wider "Something for you too, sweet pea" Grant whispered, kissing Juniper's head. You unwrapped the present and giggled as you pulled out two identical purple onesies; one for you and one for Juniper "Oh Grant" You smiled, holding up the newborn onesie. You moved closer to him and kissed him "Thank you, Grant. She will look adorable in it" You whispered, looking down at the little girl. Juniper blinked a few times, her big brown eyes looking up at you "And you too darling" He kissed your temple "Go try it on and I'll change Juni" You smiled and quickly went to the bedroom to change. Meanwhile, Grant laid Juniper down on a blanket on the floor and quickly, but gently got her out of the pink onesie. She started to fuss as the cold air hit her skin "Shh Juni, it's alright, there you go" He cooed, doing up the onesie. Just then you walked back into the room "Oh look at you Juni, don't you look cute" You whispered, reaching out for her. Grant gently placed her in your arms "You're so beautiful Juniper" You whispered "Like mother, like daughter" He smiled, looking at his two favorite girls in the world.

"Aren't you a gorgeous girl? Come to grandma" Your mum held in her arms.
Grant slowly handed over his little girl.
Juniper whined as she was transferred to a new set of arms "Shh darling, it's okay" Your mum whispered and cradled her granddaughter close to her. She slowly walked around the living room and sat down on the couch, your dad followed and sat beside her. Your mum gently moved the little girl from her arms and laid her down on the couch beside her. Juniper looked around the room, her big eyes landing on her grandma "Oh look at those beautiful eyes. Just like your daddy" She smiled. As she stroked Juniper's hands, she grabbed into both your mum's forefingers, making her smile happily "Grant, can you help me in the kitchen before your family gets here" You whispered, taking his hand in yours. You pulled him into the kitchen and he sat on the stool at the counter, watching your parents with his daughter "Grant, Juni is alright" You giggled at his protectiveness of his little girl "It's my mum. She raised me; she knows what she's doing. Plus she loves her little granddaughter" Grant smiled and finally looked away from Juniper to look at you "I know. I just like being with her. I can't help it" He laughed lightly. You walked up to him and kissed his cheek "Merry Christmas Grant" In the corner of your eye you saw your mum with your daughter "Our first Christmas as a family" Grant wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him "And I couldn't ask for anything better for Christmas"

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