You're Awake

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Natasha stood out of breath on the streets still. People muttered between each other at the sudden sight of her. Clint was watching from afar on what the commotion would be.

He stared frozen in place as Laura held his hand. He let go of it in a hurry and trudged through the crowd. Laura merely stood there with the children in a small group.

"Nat..." he asked quietly. After some time, Clint was busy taking care of his family to mourn the death of his friends. Anders tried stopping the man from running into the scene. He pushed her into a crying hug causing her to be surprised.

"Mr Barton, I think it's time we take our leave." Anders spoke sternly.

"No. I'm staying right here, until you tell me what the hell. Is going on. I mean just look around! People are whispering about me. It's clear that you aren't telling what happened," Natasha stood her ground. Her fingers curled around her palm.

"Understood, Romanoff. Natasha, you were resurrected." The lady said. Natasha's throat was dry and raspy. She felt her knees weaken again. She slipped to the floor and Clint tried her best to keep her up. How come Clint was still the same though? It was most likely that it was around 20 years forward.

"Then how come Clint looks young.." she whispered.

"Our um, fight took a few days, but space time is slower. So we were in space for a few years..." Clint said hugging Natasha tighter.

Her eyes watered slightly. They stung and threatened to pour, but Natasha couldn't afford the threat. She tightened her eyes closed but water slipped out the sides of her eyes.

Clint rubbed her back in circles as children watched. So this is what heroes are like still. The movies lied. They don't just have hopefulness in their eyes, they're broken too. Every movie shows positive vibes.

Clint saw them all. Every. Single. Movie. Of the Avengers and their "lives"


Clint sat in the quiet theaters waiting for a movie to start. The mayor and friends insisting he goes to watch whatever movie they had paid for. A child looked at him and smiled delightfully.

The movie trailers started ever so slightly with commercials of other theaters. Clint moved and shuffled around his chair for a comfortable position.

Oh. A musical Avengers. So sweet wasn't it? Wrong. Clint felt a lump in his throat as the movie played. It was wrong, so inaccurate. They only showed the good parts of how the avengers were happy.

Natasha, Steve, Tony were all in it. Thor and Clint were there too. Some actor played Loki but it wasn't the same. Nothing was what it really was. The team wasn't just made as friends, they had hardships. Troubles and obstacles before they became best friends.

Children kept looking at the old avenger from before. His eyes only watered when the next scene played. No one exactly knew how Steve or Natasha died. Clint did.

Steve turned old when he went back in time to meet his beloved again. Did Steve enjoy being there? Maybe, maybe not. He missed his lover though, that Clint knew. That's what Thor knew. That's what everyone who knew him knew.

Clint didn't know what the movie was like because he zoned out staring at the screen blindly. It turned into a blur of scenes to him. The voices were muffled sounds that Clint knew.

When the movie finished Clint rushed out. He didn't stop to wait for someone to talk to him. He trudged past the children and adults as they tried speaking to him.

"How was it?" The mayor asked with the director of the movie next to him.

"Horrid. If you ever. EVER, want to make a movie about us, then ask. Because that wasn't the avengers. The avengers show hardships in winning, that's what we are. Not some buddies that can be happy all day." Clint growled walking away from the stunned men.


Clint didn't know when he started to cry silently. He just knew he wanted to leave. Natasha was on her hands and knees crying to her death. Imagine you watching your heroes falling to their end because of some news.

The Avengers were history, not some invincible force. That's what historians and story tellers didn't understand. Natasha watched as children watched in horror of what was in front of them. She stood and began to talk, to show the world of what it was like being them.

"Broadcast this. Now." Natasha told Anders and some news reporters, "this is what heroes are like. Children are witnessing what some people with fall apart like. We aren't all goody goodies that just save the world, we're people! We go through things that your parents don't wanna tell you, because it'll ruin your beliefs. We sacrifice our lives for you. Captain America left his lover to save you! So tell the story right, because right now..."

"Children are suffering because you didn't tell them the truth." Steve said standing next to Pepper Stark now. "We aren't history. We're people that you told wrongly." He was young again. Seemingly, he had a beard but was the age he was when he woke from his seventy year sleep. He had his rogue outfit on though.

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