Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


Jazzie becoming my sister in law is still a little weird to considering we used to be married. Sometimes I wonder what Courage has that I doesn't. I found out Robin is her daughter at the wedding. I had no idea she had a child so young. I don't know how it happened but it bothers me she never said anything. It makes wonder what else she kept from me. But it makes sense she kept secrets considering she hid her affair from me very well. She's a fantastic liar. I only found out she was cheating during an argument we were having and she told me she was fucking someone else. I didn't want to believe it. My heart broke into million pieces because we were planning our family. I'm happy I met Andrea. We fell in love and now I feel like I met the one. She's a cop as well but in a different station now. She left the station when we started again.

The End

Author Message

Ending the story here and hope everyone enjoyed the story overall. I have written no stories for wattpad and want to focus on them instead of rewriting old ones like this story. So hope you enjoyed it and my new story HBIC is available now

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