Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


As well as being a police sergeant I'm also an attorney. I was going back and forth with King lawyer about the case. I was trying to get him to agree to a plea deal but they want to go trial. He explained my case has a conflict of interest. Somehow they found out Courage is my sister and accused me of hiding a fugitive. They went on to say she is wanted in another state for assaulting her ex husband and the murder of her best friend Joanna Sparks who's still missing. King then threaten her life and giggled about it. I left the courthouse angry and I made my way to the hospital with my captain. I needed to talk to her and if she did commit a crime I wouldn't hesitate to arrest her. We made our way to the hospital and once we arrived at Courage room, Jazzie stopped me and explained she had important things to tell me. "She wouldn't stop telling me about this Joanna girl as she ate lunch. As I was listening I noticed too many things about them that seemed exactly the same or similar. I did digging and I got Joanna medical records. They were born the same day, same place, same time. Their mom had a C-section and not awake so she had no idea but Joanna and Courage are fraternal twins. Courage was having trouble breathing and other issues. She spent a few hours in the NICU while Joanna went to the nursery. There was a mix up and a couple took Joanna home the next day while Courage left with her mom" Jazzie explained. "Her mom didn't know she was having twins, considering it seems like she didn't care about her children because she abused drugs and alcohol while being pregnant" said Jazzie. I couldn't believe any of this. I questioning if I wanted Courage around me because its been non-stop shit since she got here. But I went into her room and she smiling and stuffing her face. "Jazzie so nice. The hospital food sucks and I have a carving for pizza and she bought me a pie" said Courage with her mouth full. She offered a slice and declined and asked her about Joanna. "Well we met in preschool. She sat next to me and smiled and told her my name. She said we were going to be friends forever. We were in the same elementary school and kindergarten class. Her parents were a old couple. They knew about the abuse and my mother addictions so I spent a lot of time at her place. We also found out we have the same birthday. People used to think we're sisters because we got the same facial structure and eyes. When were in middle school her father passed away of cancer and a few years later her mom passed away from a surgery that went wrong at the hospital. Joanna was in the system but she was taken in and had shitty foster parents until she got emancipated at sixteen. She sued the hospital for her mom death at eighteen and won and became a sugar baby. She had four that I know of. One of them was into shady stuff but her good to be quiet. She also got a BBL because if you would have seen her before she had no ass. She barely have breast" Courage explained. I nodded my head and for a moment I was deep in thought. If their twins Joanna is my sister as well. I then told her she's wanted in her hometown for the murder of Joanna and tears filled her eyes. I pulled out my handcuffs and she moved away from me. "I DID NOT HURT HER" she shouted. I told her she needed to relax but she kept yelling at me. Jazzie then came rushing in and moved me out the way. She grabbed placed her hands on Courage cheeks and looked into her eyes. "Remember the talk we had earlier. You have to relax and not react that way. If you don't calm down I will have no choice but to sedate you again and I don't want to do that. Practice the breathing" Jazzie said. Courage listen and relaxed then looked at me angrily. "I might be a high school dropout but I'm not an idiot. What motive what I have to kill someone that has been rock since I was a toddler and helped me through my most darkest days. Now if you accused me of killing my husband ex husband then I understand because I hope the bastard is dead. But I had zero motive to kill her. The night she was abducted, I was sleeping in her room when she screamed. If you want proof you can check her surveillance and ring camera. They were installed because one again one of her sugar daddies are into shady stuff and you might find stuff in her room" Courage explained. She then told me get out. I told her I would be in touch before leaving. I got in touch with that town police department and after a few hours the footage was sent to me. Courage was telling the truth. She was sleeping while Joanna got knocked over head and beaten by a man in a mask. Joanna scream but by the time Courage got downstairs, Joanna was unconscious and abducted.

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