Times Of Change

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Chapter Nine!

Times Of Change

29th October 2000 - The Italian Ministry

Two months had passed since the family vacation in Positano, the sunny days were now a distant memory. The months of Autumn had soon arrived at the Ministry, the working days continued has normal. Nihil had settled back into his duties, he planned on not giving up his Papa role just yet. Sister had tried to persuade him to let Primo lead the Emeritus bloodline into the new century, but his stubborn nature still denied the Clergy what they desired. 

The memories of the vacation were still fresh in Albany's mind, she had enjoyed her vacation with her family. The last few days in Positano had been fun, she had spend most of her time with her Father. Her Brothers had been around the villa, but they had distanced themselves after their Father's little outburst about not wanting to give up his Papa Emeritus role. 

The Italian Ministry had been busy this week, the upcoming All Hallows' Eve preparations were in motion. The ghouls had been working hard, they were making sure they had everything ready for The Old One's visit on Tuesday. The hallways had been decorated with red and black paper chains, there were red light stung up in the hallway they used for the unholy event. The party games and buffet menu had been arranged beforehand, the Clergy were on top of everything has always. 

Albany had been helping out in the kitchen today, her Brothers had arrived from Los Angeles this morning for the All Hollows' Eve event. She had prepared the evening meal and set the dining table, the ghouls were elsewhere around the unholy church. Pumpkin risotto and pumpkin tiramisu, it was tradition to make pumpkin themed meals throughout October. Her Brothers soon arrived for dinner, but her Father was running late. He was working late tonight, she was planning to bring his meal to his office when they had eaten their own. Serving her Brothers first Albany made sure they had everything they needed before she plated up her own food, it was the way the ghouls always serviced meals at family gatherings. Walking towards her seat she heard Secondo say her name, she placed her plate down on the table before she turned her attention towards him. 

" Albany, what is this?" He asked.

" Pumpkin Risotto." She replied.

" Oh, it looks like baby food..." He said.

" Maybe I prepared it that way especially for you, Brother." She said.

A soft laugh escaped Albany's lips when she took her seat at the table, she had found her little joke quite funny. But her Brothers stared blankly at her, they hadn't found it amusing. Secondo's gaze met with her own, his features were sinister. Her gaze wandered around the table, her siblings didn't look too impressed with her jokey behaviour. The atmosphere didn't feel right, she felt uncomfortable. Lowering her gaze she ignored her Brothers and ate some of her meal, she was secretly hoping her Father would arrive soon to save her from the miserable company. They quietly ate their meal together, the odd pouring sound of wine into a glass disturbed the silence of the kitchen. Albany soon finished the last of her meal, she was about to get up from her seat but Terzo's hand rested on her arm. He asked her to stay for a moment longer, he wanted to speak with her before she went to prepare their dessert.

" Albany, we would like to discuss something important with you." Terzo said, his gaze met with her own. " Do we have your full attention?"

" Is it about my joke?" Albany asked.

" No, it's not about your joke. Don't worry about that, it was very good." Terzo said with a reassuring smile. " But it's about Papa, we need to speak about his future."

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