Little Hell Hound

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Warning: Violence/Abuse

Chapter Sixteen!

Little Hell Hound

October 2006 - The Los Angeles Ministry

The month of October had finally arrived, the Los Angeles Ministry was in the mists of it's spooky celebrations. The hallways had been decorated with orange and black paper chains, the pumpkins had already been delivered for carving. The candelabra lamps lights had been changed from white to red. The flowers of the Fall had been arranged on the altar, the seasonal change had been announced. The Clergy were starting to arrange the celebrations that would be held this month, they wanted everything to be perfect for their dark excellency's arrival at the end of October. 

The last few months had been a whirlwind since Michelangelo had arrived at the Ministry, he was a handful most of time. Secondo sometimes took care of his pet, he used his adorable dog to get the attention of attractive women when he went partying in downtown Los Angeles. Albany normally took care of her Brother's dog in the evenings and weekends, she was surprised how accepting her Father had been about allowing Secondo to keep the hell hound at the unholy church. She had found out that her Father liked dogs, he had owned a couple of dogs before he had children. Primo wasn't too please about his Brother's new pet, he didn't like that Secondo fed his dog scraps from the dinner table. But that didn't matter, the Clergy had decided that Secondo could keep the hell hound since it was gifted to him from his dark excellency.

Today was Saturday, the Ministry was silent since it was the weekend. Albany was looking after Michelangelo until Monday morning, her Brother was enjoying his freetime away from the unholy church. She had been walking the little hell hound around the gardens and the car park, but he had darted away when he noticed some creepy crawlies hanging from a mausoleum door. The dog immediately entered the Ministry by the back door, she had been looking for him for over twenty minutes now. She couldn't believe two spiders had spooked him, his fiery reputation was in the balance right now.

Albany had checked her Father's office, he wasn't there which was a good thing. She didn't want to tell him that Michelangelo was on the loose again, he wanted Secondo's dog on a leash at all times in the Ministry. There had been an incident in the chapel involving the little creature a few months ago, he had left a smouldering poop underneath a pew. It had stunk out the chapel and the confession booth, they had to burn many incense sticks that day to get rid of the unholy smell. 

Stopping outside of an open doorway Albany peered into the empty office, she couldn't see Michelangelo anywhere. She was unsure if he was even on the ground floor anymore, he many have ventured to the second or third floor by now. Sniffing the air she couldn't smell any smoke, he normally left a little sooty smell behind when he was around the offices.

" Mikey, where are you?!" She asked, her speaking tone was playful. " Here boy! I have red meat for you, it's extra raw! Just the way you like it. Dinner time!"

Albany sighed deeply to herself before she continued to search the unholy church for Michelangelo, she had already checked the ground floor kitchen and lounge. Turning into another hallway she heard a loud yelp, her gaze fell upon a familiar face. Primo was standing at the other end of the hallway, he was dressed in his papal robe. His presence alone was fearful, but she soon noticed something golden and fluffy poking from beneath the hem of his robe. Another yelp filled the hallway, she wary took a couple of steps forward. A gasp escaped her lips when she saw Michelangelo's little leg sticking from beneath his shoe. She couldn't believe what she was witnessing, her oldest sibling was hurting the little hell hound. She couldn't standby and watch the cruel scene unfolding in front of her eyes, she had to intervene. She couldn't contain her angry any longer, her voice boomed down the hallway.

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