New Year, New Worries

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Warning: Threats/Abusive Behaviour

Chapter Fourteen!

New Year, New Worries

1st of January 2004 - The Los Angeles Ministry

The Los Angeles Ministry was silent and peaceful, the celebrations from last night had ceased. The Clergy employees were nursing hangovers or spending time with their families outside of the unholy church, the New Year had finally arrived. The Ministry was closed until the next working week, the next few days were classed has an employee holiday.  

The family lounge was occupied this morning, the curtains were drawn back. The fireplace was lit and the television set was playing the local news, there was breakfast laid out on the coffee table. Albany was sitting on the couch in her pyjamas and bed socks, she was wrapped up in her blanket while she enjoyed her morning coffee. Terzo was reading a newspaper, it was just after 9am. They had arrived back from Sister Imperator's Soiree just after 1am, they had left Secondo at the mansion since they couldn't find him. When they had arrived back at the Los Angeles Ministry Papa Nihil had been waiting for them, he wasn't too pleased that Albany had gone out with her Brothers for New Year. Nihil was more concerned that she had attended Sister Imperator's Soiree, he knew what happened at those kind of parties. He wanted to speak with her when he was sober and more awake, it had been too late for confrontations.

Albany's gaze lingered on the television set, she was watching New Year celebrations from around the world on the news. She had enjoyed her night with Copia, she couldn't stop thinking about their time together. The familiar feeling of missing him soon returned, but she had no regrets about their passionate few hours together. This fools hope of his seemed to be working, but she felt bad about lying to him about her true location. She couldn't tell him that she had returned to California in case he tried to contact her in the future, but she couldn't keep it hidden from him forever. Her thoughts were disturbed by footsteps entering the lounge, it was her Father. He stopped by the couch and kissed the top of his youngest child's head before he walked over to his arm chair, he sat down and made himself comfortable. His voice was soon heard, his mood seemed pleasant.

" Good morning, my children." Papa said.

" Good morning." Terzo said.

" Good morning, Papa." Albany said.

" Good morning, little one." Papa said, his gaze met with her own. " We still need to speak about last night, but tell me. Did you have fun at the Soiree?"

" The Soiree wasn't really to my taste, but it was enjoyable to a certain point." Albany replied.

" That's nice to hear, but don't do it again!" Papa said, his hands rested on the arms of his chair. " I got worried when I found out that you were gone, but when I read your note I got concerned. I know what goes on at Sister's Soirees, I've been to many myself in my younger years. Your Brothers had no right inviting you, they should have asked me first if you were allowed to go with them!"

" But Terzo didn't want me to spend New Year all by myself." Albany said before she glanced over at her sibling. " You had passed out, it's mostly your fault anyway for drinking too much. If you were sober I would have stayed at the Ministry."

" That's not the point!" Papa said.

" It's very much a point, I went out because you passed out." Albany said.

" You never use to be like this in Italy..." Papa grumbled to himself." Anyway, did you stay away from the upstairs chambers at Sister's mansion?"

" Of course, Papa." Albany said.

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