The Problem With Secondo

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Chapter Twenty-Three!

The Problem With Secondo

July 2014 - The Los Angeles Ministry

The months passed by quickly at the Los Angeles Ministry, the summer months had soon returned. Secondo had been touring for most of the year, he was still enjoying the fame and fortune the band was gaining from the world. He had travelled all over Europe and the United States, he had also preformed in Australia. The band had won a Grammis Award for Best Hard Rock/Metal Album for Secondo's Infestissumam album, the success of band continued to grow. The Clergy had given Papa Emeritus the Second the nicknames Mr Worldwide 350 and Pitbull, but he liked dropping the numbers due to someone else already using that nickname. The band was gaining global popularity because of his showmanship, the Clergy were pleased with his progess.

Albany exited the elevator and walked down the hallway, she was on her way to visit Secondo. He was running late for a meeting with their Father, she was going to check if he was still in his room on the fifth floor. She knew her Brother had been partying and spending time with his countless lovers since he returned to the Los Angeles Ministry, he had finished touring after a festive he had preformed at in Europe last weekend. Stopping outside of her Brother's room Albany knocked on the door, she knocked again and called his name this time.

" Secondo, are you awake?!" She asked.

The hallway was silent, there was no apply from the room. Albany knocked on the door again, she heard Michelangelo barking from the other side of the door. She looked both ways down the hallway before she curled her hand around the door handle and pushed it downwards. The door opened with ease, the scent of overpowering cologne drifted through the doorway. Entering her Brother's living quarters Albany was greeted by Michelangelo, the little hell hound was excited to see his dog sitter. His tail was wagging and his eyes were bright, but there was no sign of his master.

" Good morning, Mikey!" She smiled.

Albany cooed over of the dog before she closed the door behind her, she called out for her Brother once again. There was still no reply, but his clothes were draped over the back of a chair at the table and his shoes were placed next to the door. She could see three empty wine bottles on the kitchen counter and two glasses on the coffee table, there was an half eaten doughnut sitting on the arm of the couch. It seemed like Secondo had company last night, his party lifestyle was in full swing since he returned home. Albany noticed an earring on the floor, she picked it up and placed it on the end table near the couch. Her attention was soon caught by footsteps entering the room, she heard Secondo's voice from across the room.

" Good morning, Sister!"

" Good morning, Broth..." She said.

Albany's sentence was cut short when she saw her Brother standing naked in the bathroom's doorway, he had a towel draped around his shoulders. She immediately turned away from him and covered her face with her hands, she tried to hide her embarrassment. She couldn't believe she had seen Secondo naked, he had no shame about it neither because she heard him laughing. Her voice was soon heard, it was muffled by her hands.

" Oh my God, Secondo!" She yelled.

" It's nothing you haven't seen before, Sister." He said in an amused tone. " You forget I know what you use to get up to at this very Ministry back in the nineties. The early morning meetings with your mysterious lover, if Papa knew about that his head would explode!"

" You're my Brother, there's a big difference!" She said before she crossed her arms. " Put some clothes on, this is very embarrassing! I can't believe you just did that.."

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