One Shot, Two shot. Jell-O Shot!

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Chapter Eighteen!

One Shot, Two Shot. Jell-O Shot!

October 2010 - The Los Angeles Ministry

The next two years passed by quickly at the Los Angeles Ministry, there had been a couple of changes at the unholy church. Primo had began touring around Europe with his ghouls, he had been working hard and producing songs within the Ministry's studio basement. The Clergy's newest frontman had been successful, his influence upon the world had been noticed by Internet users on one specific platform. An album and songs had been realised, they were doing well in the music charts. The Clergy's foot was now firmly in the door, the beginning of their world domination was now set in motion. 

The hallways were silent and empty, the scent of freshly lit incense sticks drifted through the hallways. The Clergy employees had finished their working day, it was now late afternoon. Albany was sitting on the main stairway of the Ministry, she had more free time since Primo was touring with the ghouls. Her Father had been busy with meetings and paperwork, he was keeping an eye on the unholy church until Primo returned home. 

Albany liked having more freedom, she felt safer without her older Brother around the unholy church. She didn't have to follow his set schedule until he returned to the Ministry. She had arranged for dinner to be served at 6pm this evening, she was enjoying a peaceful moment by herself. Her thoughts were soon disturbed by footsteps, she saw Secondo walking passed the stairway. He retraced his footsteps when he noticed his younger sibling, he removed his sunglasses before he approached her on the stairway. His voice broke the silence between them, he stopped a couple of steps away from his Sister. 

" There you are, Sister!" He said.

" Do you want me to look after Michelanglo?" She asked.

" No, he's fine." He said.

" Then what do you want?" She asked.

" Dinner." He replied.

" You want me to start cooking dinner right now?" She asked.

" No, Sister." He said before he motioned his hands towards her. " I have made dinner for you, it's on the kitchen table."

" Do I dare ask what you have made?" She asked in an amused tone. " I don't want food poisoning, I've still got another three working days left until the weekend."

" It's a surprise, but I think you will like it." He said.

" Okay, you've twisted my arm!" She said with a sigh. " Let's see what mess you've made in the kitchen this week."

Secondo offered Albany his hands, she eyed him up curiously before she took hold of them. He helped her up from the step and guided her down the stairway, he told her again that she would like the meal he had prepared for her. Albany was curious about why he was being nice to her, his kindness sometimes turned into wanting a favour. It had happened many times before in the past, his kindness normally came with a price. They continued walking together down the hallway, he told Albany about his plans for the weekend. Secondo was driving to Malibu this Friday, he had a double date with two attractive women he had met in a night club in downtown Los Angeles last weekend. He had booked them into a fancy hotel and arranged for a campaign dinner to be delivered to their room, he was going to be throwing a little soiree with his newly acquainted ladies friends. 

Albany's nose scrunched up with disgust when her Brother mentioned he was going to be wedged between his dates this weekend, he told her there was going to be a party in his pants. She often wondered if he forgot who he was speaking to sometimes when his vulgar conversations began, her Father had warned him more than once that he shouldn't be talking like that in front of his younger Sister. But their Father's advice always fell upon deaf ears, his second born Son's behaviour never changed. Secondo entered the kitchen first, she soon followed after him. Albany stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed empty Jell-O boxes and sliced pineapples on the counter side, she could smell a strong artificial fruity scent. There was plastic pots and shot glasses on a tray, she noticed a bottle of vodka on the kitchen table. Secondo told his Sister to take a seat, she approached the table and sat down.

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