One, Two, Three... Trinity!

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Chapter Twenty-Four!

One, Two, Three... Trinity!

August 2015 - The Los Angeles Ministry

Another year had passed, the Los Angeles Ministry was changing yet again. It had been announced by the Clergy that Secondo had been fired, his successor was ready to fill his shoes. They had given Secondo a second chance just like they had done with Primo, but his party lifestyle got in the way of his duties. Papa Emeritus the Second's reign was now over, it was now Terzo's turn to take centre stage has Papa Emeritus the Third. 

The passing down of the microphone had happened over two months ago in Linköping, Sweden. Secondo had welcomed his Brother onto the stage with open arms, he gladly passed down his duties to his younger Brother without any issues. Terzo had wore his new dark papal robe with a purple lining, his face paint design was similar to their Father's skull face paint design. The ghouls had new uniforms and masks, the Clergy had made sure they looked presentable. The crowd at the venue had welcomed their newest Papa Emeritus, he had charmed and wooed the audience with four new songs. Albany had stayed at the Ministry this time with her Father instead of accompanying Terzo to his first ritual, but she had seen videos on YouTube of the onstage Papa Emeritus coronation that fans had posted a few days later.

Terzo was away promoting his first album with a five date acoustic tour with some of his ghouls and Sister Imperator, he was playing in countless record stores across the United States. His appearance was more causal when he wasn't touring the world, he had asked the Clergy tailor to make him a simple black suit. He didn't want to wear his papal robe and mitre when he wasn't onstage, but he made sure he wore his face paint outside of the Ministry unlike his Brother. He planned not to follow in Secondo's footsteps, he wanted to please the Clergy and continue with Sister Imperator's sinister plan for the foreseeable future.

A typing sound could be heard from Papa Nihil's typewriter in the hallway outside of his office, the door was ajar. It was another busy working week, the Ministry continued to tick while the newest Papa Emeritus was away on his promotion tour. Albany was working alongside her Father today in his office, but someone was missing from underneath her chair. Michelangelo was nowhere to be seen, he had been sent back to his dark excellency after Secondo had been fired. She missed the little hell hound, she had shed tears over his departure. Papa Nihil had offered to buy her a goldfish, but it wouldn't be the same. She didn't have time to look after another pet, she was constantly taking care of her Father since he had collapsed last week from exhaustion. He was meant to be taking it easy, but he ignored the advice from his physician.

Albany's attention was soon caught when her Father roughly pulled a sheet of paper from his typewriter, he screwed it up and threw it into the waste paper basket near the filing cabinet. His mood had been temperamental since his working day had began, she had heard him grumbling to himself more than once over his morning coffee. She curiously watched him replacing the paper in his typewriter, she had no idea why he was being grouchy. Resting her chin on her hand Albany cleared her throat before she spoke with him, her speaking tone was sincere.

" What's wrong, Papa?" She asked.

" Terzo took his kazoo on his promotion tour with him!" He replied.

" His kazoo?" She asked.

" It's very embarrassing, he was playing his kazoo in front of the fans!" He said.

" Who told you that?" She asked.

" Phil." He replied.

" Phil was here?!" She asked, she raised her brow at him. " When? I thought Phil had retired from his Clergy duties at the Ministry."

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