Chapter Nine - Devastation & Pictures

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Chapter Nine - Devastation and pictures

The rest of the day went fast. Really fast. In fact It went too fast for my liking. Despite my dislike for Zac, it was a super fun time and I want to do it again.

Zac took me home and my mother gave me a questioning look as to why I was wet, but she shrugged it off.

It was now 9:00am the next morning and I couldn't get back to sleep. I kept hearing loud noises coming from Zac's room.

I pulled myself up and looked out of my window, wishing I hadn't. Zac was making out with some girl while she was giggling like there was no tomorrow.

I slammed the window shut, causing Zac to look up at me.

"What's her problem?" The girl says, loud and clear for me to hear even though I have my window shut.

I open the window again furiously. "My problem is that you two obviously don't give a toss about respecting peoples sleeping schedule." I yell and slam the window shut for the second time.

I run downstairs after I get ready to go and see Ashley since we haven't talked in a while. I put a tiny bit of makeup on. I don't know why but I do.

"Byeee!" I shout and slam the door. My parents knew I was going to Ashley's otherwise they wouldn't let me go anywhere.

I drive to Ashley's and knock on the door. By the empty garage I can tell her parents aren't home.

I hear some noises upstairs and rush up to see her kissing someone passionately.

Why is it that EVERYONE else is in a relationship and I'm not??

I cough loudly to get their attention. They turn around and my mouth drops right to the floor.

"Chris?" I say and then I start to laugh. "I knew you liked her!"

He rolls his eyes at me. "Yeah yeah."

"Well, I just came to see how things were and obviously they're great." I say and start to walk downstairs.

"You can stay if you want, Sky." Ashley says but I shake my head.

"Nahhh I'll leave you to for some alone time." I wink and head out the door feeling somewhat sad.

It's always feels like I'm the only girl in the whole world without a boyfriend.

I sigh and drive home, having an idea. Zac doesn't seem to be too busy, and it would be fun to ruin his Sunday morning.

I knock at Zac's front door and wait for a response. Rihanna opens the door and her eyes are red and puffy.

"oh my god are you okay?" I ask and her facial expression softens. She looks at me and balls her eyes out. I'm not sure whether to hug her or not, but I decide to anyway.

She points upstairs, indicating that Zac is currently there. I nod and head up to Zac's room.

Before I enter I hear a loud sobbing followed by a crashing noise. I bang on the door, somewhat concerned. Don't ask me why I'm concerned for him because I have no idea but I have a feeling something really bad has happened.

"Zac let me in!" I shout and another crashing noise fills my ears. I sigh and pull on the door, to find out that it wasn't locked in the first place.

I barge in and see Zac in the middle of his room, sobbing and throwing things around. I run over to him and pull him away and onto his bed and I sit down next to him.

"Zac what happened?" I ask him but he shoves me so hard that I fall down.

I growl at him and get up, ready to leave his house but he pulls me back to where he is sitting.

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