Chapter 10 - The Fight

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Dedicated to jewelzlife for the ideas for this chap!!


Chapter Ten - The Fight

I desperately wanted to get out of this detention. I had no desire to be stuck inside room being bored out of my mind for an hour. I look around to the clock and realise that I still have about 30 minutes left.

I sigh and start to tap my pencil on my desk, creating a beat. I start to sing along to my beat, smiling. It sounded pretty cool.

"Hey, you're actually really good." Someone chirps from behind me, I turn around to see the guy who I almost kissed at the party.

"Uhm, thanks." I smile. "Liam right?" I laugh, thinking back to the party.

"Yeah." He grins.

There's a few moments of silence before the door bursts open and a teacher is

yelling frantically at a smirking Zac Parker.

Which reminded me, I needed to ask Zac about the rumours going around about us sleeping together.

Never in a million years would I ever.

"Sit down here and don't move! You have 30 minutes of detention left." The teacher informs us all.

Zac sits besides me and starts talking to me about one of his flings last night, which was gross af.

"Yeah, yeah I really couldn't care less." I say, somewhat annoyed. I don't know why I was annoyed. I couldn't care less who he slept with. It's not like I like him or anything right? He Is incredibly god-like though, he's pretty nice once you get to know him.

What am I thinking?? What has this guy done to my thought process?

"What is with those rumours?" I ask Zac, who was fiddling with his hair, he looked pretty damn good...

"What rumours?" He asks, but his eyes widen.

"Zac man, don't play dumb with her." Liam says.


"What is he talking about?"

"He's the one who started it."

WHAT?! I look over at Zac to see a hint of redness on his cheeks, was he blushing?! Aww.

"No I didn't! Someone asked me and I guess I didn't exactly deny it.."

"What the hell Zac? You know what people are saying about me? Slut. Whore. You could've told everyone it was fake and this wouldn't never happened. Why do you have to be so difficult?" I sigh and look down at my desk.

Zac stays silent a while, and I look over at Liam who was glaring at Zac. Finally after what seemed like hours he spoke up. "Would it be such a bad thing to be seen with me anyway?" He asks, sounding annoyed.

"That's not what I'm saying-"

"It sure sounded like that." Zac snickers and turns away from me.

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