The Georgian New Year of 2276 but The Pagan New Year of 2277

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The New Year begins early at Beltane Manor on October 31, 2276 as The Howard's on Star Base 12 are all Pagan and left behind their Christian roots they have through the centuries.

It all started on May 2, 2153 when Captain Archer told Lord Patrick William Howard and his entourage this

"Near Richmond, Indiana, several jets dropped bombs. A group of people took shelter in the East Fork Presbyterian Church. As the bombs dropped, the group and the church were saved when the church was transported to Terralysium. The group started the New Eden colony and worshiped the Red Angel who was in actuality a time traveler, Dr. Gabrielle Burnham."

Lord Patrick William Howard looks at Captain Jonathan Archer and he asks " Am I supposed to believe that only Christians were worth saving, and what about the others like The Jewish, The Islam, The Buddhists, The Hindus, and The Pagans."

"I am only telling you what Starfleet Command told me." Captain Archer explains.

"It sounds like to me this red angel is another false prophet." Lord Patrick William Howard explains.

Lord Patrick William Howard tells Captain Archer "You call this god a loving god if he decides who is worthy of saving."

"I tell you I did not care what the family was when it came to bringing with them on April 30." Lord Patrick William explains, "I was not given a blueprint or a book of names."

"I left it up to the head of the family if they wanted to come with me and survive the greatest calamity on Planet Earth." Lord Patrick William states.

"My brother-in-law and I went from door to door and from town to town and we only had three days and we gathered up those families that wanted to survive." Lord Patrick William states.

"Some are English, Some are French, Some are Portuguese, Some are Spanish, and Some are Scottish,and Some are Russian." Lord Patrick William tells Captain Jonathan Archer.

"Some are Christian from various denominations and some are not even Christians." Lord Patrick William tells Captain Archer.

"These families that traveled with me cared enough to see their families survive." Lord Patrick William Howard states, "YOu see in front of your some of the most prominent families from Europe - Lord Robert is from the Royal House of Bourbon, and he is a direct descendant of King Louis IX of France though his youngest, Prince Robert of Clermont, Lord Philip Valois, is also a direct descendant of King Louis IX of France through his oldest King Philip III of France and Lord David Alexander is from the Royal House of Stuart, Lord Philip Habsburg is from the Royal House of Habsburg, Lord John Carey is from the Noble house of Carey, My brother in law, and wife are from the Noble House of Devereux, Lord Edmund is from the noble house of Beaufort, Lord John is from the noble house of Churchill, Lord John is from the Noble House of Hastings, Lord Reginald is from the noble house of Grey, and Lord Reynold's is from the Noble House of Seymour and I am from the Noble House of Mowbray, The Noble House of Howard." Lord Patrick William states.

"I brought with me some of the most prominent European families with me." Lord Patrick William states.

"I am sorry the rest of our families perished with the other 60,000,000 people on May 1, 2153, but they scorned me like they did Noah in his day." Lord Patrick William states.

"It is too bad no one listened to Noah when the great flood occurred but his Deity gave him wisdom enough to save his family and My Deity gave me wisdom to gather up those families that would listen to Lord John and me." Lord Patrick William states.

"Now you ask me to believe that only a handful of Christians were escaped along with their church by this false prophet the Red Angel," Lord Patrick William states.

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