The New Year of 2277

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The New Year of 2277, rang in with the birth of Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann second child and daughter, Lady Samhain (Celtic for Summer Ends" ) Wilhelmina for her paternal great-grandfather, and Charlene for her paternal great-grandfather and grandfather and given her father's surname of Howard.

From the minute she was born, Lord Andrew Charles created his second daughter Duchess of Clarence Territory in the name of her paternal great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Patrick William Howard.

Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlne Howard resembled her father, Lord Andrew Charles Howard and of course Lord Andrew Charles was delighted that his second child and daughter took after him with his dark hair, brown eyes, and medium skin whereas her oldest sister resembled their mother, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard-Lowell, and the two sisters were different as day and night and Lady Elizabeth was bold whereas Lady Samhain was gentle.

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard would have to wait for her turn to become Duchess of Norfolk Territory, whereas LadY Samhain was already Duchess of Clarence Territory, but Lord Andrew Charles appointed Lord Frederick William and Lord Thomas William Howard, their cousins, as regents until Lady Samhain turned 18 in 2294.

Lady Samhain was her mother's favorite daughter and she earned the name of "Peace-maker" by her mother and her paternal grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew JR and he tells Lady Karissa " Odin knows we need a Peace-maker in our family after what my grandfather and father did to our family."

"If it hadn't been for my great-grandmother, Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort. There would have been a lot more discord in the family." Lord Charles Andrew JR explains.

"My own mother, Lady Alexandra Elizabeth was not as bold as my grandmother, Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"I know that Lady Samhain will prove to be a real credit to her great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Patrick William Howard." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells Lady Karissa.

"Lady Samhain is very young and her first cousin twice removed, Lord Frederick William and her third cousin, Lord Thomas William Howard will govern for her until she comes to age in 2294." Lady Karissa tells Lord Charles Andrew Jr as "Lord Andrew Charles is young and he will govern for a long time."

"Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain need to be educated for their tasks ahead of them." Lady Karissa explains.

"I will home-school them until they are 12 years old and then they will be sent to the school here with the other children." Lady Karissa states "So will all my children. There will be no fancy parochial school for my sons and no finishing school for my daughters, as I didn't see Lord Andrew Charles profiting from it." Lady Karissa states.

"Such schools remind me of a movie I once saw on Planet Earth called "Mona Lisa Smiles" and this young teacher goes on to teach at Wellesley College where all the young women learn how to become a wife, pick out of the silverware, kitchen appliances, but don't learn a damn thing." Lady Karissa tells Lord Charles Andrew JR.

"I don't want any of my daughters to grow up thinking that they have to marry." Lady Karissa states. "I want to decide for themself."

"Likewise so will my sons and they will attend the same co-ed school as their sisters." Lady Karissa states, "Lord Andrew Charles has given me the right to raise our children the way that I see fit."

"I know that you have big plans for Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and you hope that your grand-nephew and your granddaughter will marry, and maybe sometime the road they will marry, but Lady Elizabeth needs to know she has other choices." Lady Karissa states, " Lady Elizabeth will name her child with the surname of Howard in order to keep Norfolk Territory within the Howard family."

"Who knows what Lady Katherine and Lord David William Beck's first child will be in December." Lady Karissa explains.

"I am sure that Lord David William and Lady Katherine will plan the future of their child as the child will be the great-great-great-great-grandchild of Lord Patrick William Howard." Lady Karissa explains.

Lady Karissa looks at Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and Lord Andrew Charles walks in and he sees Lady Karissa holding Lady Samhain and he tells his father " She resembles me, don't you think so father?"

"I would think so, Lord Andrew Charles. I don't think Lady Karissa would try to foster another man's child upon our family." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"On the other hand you might try to do it with another woman. I would advise you to keep penis in your pants." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son.

"Don't follow in your grandfather's and great-grandfather's footsteps as both have a natural son." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"Lord Frederick William SR had a son with one of his many mistresses, and your great-grandmother turned the other cheek, but she wouldn't let his son be raised with her children." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"My damn father did the same with one of his mistresses, but my mother told him to keep his natural son out of her sight, but I met him." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"Your half great-uncle was born in 2210, shortly before your great-grandfather died, and your grandfather saw that he was taken care of and likewise your half uncle. I made sure that he was taken care of when I became Duke of Norfolk Territory." Lord Charles Andrew JR explains.

"I don't know if Lord Charles Andrew III has any natural children tucked away." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his youngest son, "I do know that Lady Charlotte Victoria Maud Howard is Lord Charles Andrew Howard's daughter as she resembles her father." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"Father. Lady Karissa and I have an open marriage." Lord Andrew Charles states, " I have my mistress and Lady Karissa has her paramour, Lord Richard William Carey."

"Lady Karissa as I will accept any children into our family as our children." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"I wouldn't count on trying to stake a claim on your second cousin's children with Lady Karissa." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

"Lord Richard William Carey is fully capable of taking care of his grandfather's first great-grandchildren." Lord Charles Andrew JR states.

Lady Karissa looks at Lord Andrew Charles and she tells him " Listen here now, Lord Andew Charles. I have two children to take care of and my Marquess and Territory to take care of along with Beltane Manor."

Lady Karissa picks up Lady Samhain and calls Barbara into the living room and she asks her " Please take Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain upstairs to their nursery, see that they are fed and bathed."

Barbara takes Lady Elizabeth and Lady Samhain and she curtsy to Lady Karissa and walks out the living room.

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